News - How To Get Legendary Aether Tool, Flawless Aetherium Crystal Schematics (warzone 2 Zombies Red Worm Guide)

mw3 scorcher

Because, he does need to be dealt a lot of damage he ain't the easiest worm to defend feet so just keep that in mind make sure none of your players are running around, doing like nothing because you will need mainly everyone to basically take part in shooting, him because otherwise you're just going to be running around like a headless chicken shooting him and the chances are you probably won't get this done as you need to do this before the timer gets down to zero so just keep shooting him until obviously he's dead as soon as he dies then just wait for his body to basically collapse down and you're going to want to go over to the rewards Rift the, spawns so when you do go to this rewards Rift you will be guaranteed one of the three schematics which is the scorcher Flawless Crystal or legendary EO so as you can see this game I had the Flawless Crystal and then this is another cop of the game well another time I have done this and on this run I got the scorer so it is different every game so you will need to do this about three times once you've done that go through this portal and you'll be instantly.Exfilled.,.

MW3 Zombies Red Worm Easter Egg Guide! MWZ Red Worm Easter Egg Tutorial.
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