News - How To Fight Smarter Warzone

I'm not giving you any choices for this one. How are we getting out of it? We might be able to get to the opening here, but that's a pretty risky play, so instead, let's buy a precision air strike or mortar strike and call it on them, and that's going to buy us some time to rotate. Here Let's play from the outside a little bit.

Maybe we have one enemy down, and we know there's at least one more in there, but it could be a full team. We have no idea: do we back off and just let them be, or do we go for the thirst? We can get thirsty here, but let's be really smart about it, especially since respawn is disabled. We're not going to rep-peek at the same angle, and we're not going to get too aggressive.

play like a pro rebirth

Take a look at the situation that we're in here. I'm not going to be giving you any choices for this one. What is the one thing that we need to be thinking about? Once respawn disables focus on getting into Circle early don't rotate on the edge of gas unless you absolutely have to try to get into Circle early focus on making sure that you have cover and then if you're able to then you can grab power position that's how we're going to clutch more wins and also pick up more kills in the process we got a far rotation, here And the crazy part is we picked up so many kills in we picked up so many kills in Nova early.

Did I just grab the wrong thing? Just grabbed a freaking armor box on accident. Did I have durable here? no I really want to try to hold this team rooftop, but I feel like gasing in. I think Nova 6 early might be the move. Just clear this rooftop here. Okay, we're good there. I don't think there's still a team in prison.

play like a pro warzone

There's got to still be a team in prison, right? Here it is, right here, One last decision: 36 kills, 1 V, one for the win: do we jump down and challenge him, or do we commit to the gas? Play; we're going to commit to the gas here. If I knew exactly where he was. I'd be more confident to jump down and challenge, but I literally have zero idea where he is, and the stakes are too high just to gas, so we're going to use everything we can here to win this.

Let's freaking go, man. Don't panic in those end games, little 36, right there with 16k damage. Don't panic, we play our gas mask, we rotate down, we use, we basically do whatever we can here, and make sure you're paying attention there if you notice my base. Health did not increase right there.

I hope you found today's article helpful, guys.

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