News - How To Dominate Fortune's Keep 14 Simple Tips. Warzone Season 2

cod mwiii

So Fortune Keep is here, and you want to do better than dominate. Even today, we're running down a few tips on how to best dominate in War Zone's newest reintroduction, Fortune Keep, so drop your thoughts. Drop a like. Finally, check out my friends over at Gfuel for up to 30% off your entire order, but more on them a little later.

For now, let's get into it. First, we can start with, before you even jump into a game or rather drop into Fortune's , keeping number one.

Settings to adjust for fortune's keep in season 2

Settings to adjust for fortune's keep in season 2

Have your settings in order. Movement kings are going to be out in abundance here, with fortune-keeping and rebirth upcoming. You've probably seen it already, but if you want to improve on your movement and things like that, one thing that I'd highly recommend is your settings with your slide or dive.

Behavior: Personally, I use tap to slide, which makes those slide cancellations really smooth and crispy, but the new hybrid option is there and a valid thing to consider, absolutely. Personally. I don't need a dive, so I'm good with removing the bind entirely, so that if I accidentally hit my left thumb stick at the same time as trying to slide.

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I don't dive where I don't want to, but if you guys like having that option, this is a new way that allows you to tap to slide without having that sort of input delay by a few milliseconds, which previously you'd have, but also gives you the opportunity to do both slide and dive. Other settings you should have down and check are sensitivity; obviously, that's one that's a bit more subjective; I can't really give you this is the perfect sensitivity.

Because it's all user-dependent, what feels comfortable for you may not feel comfortable for me or another player. Adjust that fov to make sure you're all good, but again, we've touched on that stuff plenty of times, so just breezing past. I just really wanted to make sure we touched on the new setting here of hybrid.

Finding where best to land for you in fortune's keep season 2

Finding where best to land for you in fortune's keep season 2

For gameplay tips, though, when dropping into Fortune, keep well where you should drop; that's something that I think is again user-dependent. There's definitely some high-risk, high-reward areas around the map, and some that are a little bit more passive.

I think we all kind of gravitate toward our own locations. Verdansk was a super store for me—rebirth. It was the headquarters building of Fortune's Keep. Back in the day, the upper portions of The Grotto Asika were the town center or residential vondal. It was usually a mall, but with this one, my team's usually going around terraces and gate houses.

I'd say that ground zero has some really high-level loot as well; that's usually pretty contested, though the same thing with Keep. Also, there's still a bit of a bug with Keep in that you lose some frames in certain areas, so be conscious of that, but there's lots of space within Fortune. Keep lots of areas that will feel familiar because we've played this before, but honestly, it comes down to whether you want action or not.

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It's not going to have as many safe spots per se as opposed to the big map on Zakhan. But I'd say from my own perspective, things like Overlook and Pier the Coney Outpost are a little bit less contested here with this, but they also don't have some of the best loot yields by comparison just because they're not as dense of locations.

If landing hot, take engagements then loot in fortune's keep

If landing hot, take engagements then loot in fortune's keep

But one thing that you should consider is that if you do want to land in those hot zones , make sure you kill ven loot if you can find a gun that's awesome, but don't necessarily try and prioritize. I need to find a gun if you need to have a gunfight. Use that pistol to your advantage. Looting or trying to find that perfect gun can set you back and get you killed immediately if you land down the corridor for someone to grab whatever you can, if anything at all, and at least be conscious, if not 100% ready for a fight.

If you can kill and clear the area and then finish looting, then that's obviously.

Knowing & using the meta in fortune's keep season 2

Perfect next, know the meta. Not to plug a prior article here, but we have already talked about our top picks for what I'd say are the best weapons to help you dominate, so check that out in detail. But if you're wanting to dominate, you probably want to use the best guns in the game.

I know metas can get stale; trust me, they absolutely do. That's why we don't really post them much here on the channel anymore, but it is absolutely something that can get boring, but statistically speaking, the best guns in the game are going to statistically yield the best results, so make sure you're keeping up with the best weapons that you want to use.

As of recording this, I'd probably say the BP50, the RAM 9, and the AM 9. The MTZ 762 and WSP 9 Striker 9 are all great choices, but again, we've already talked about using any of those weapons, which I think will greatly help get you the kill potential in matches.

Use verticality to your advantage in fortune's keep season 2

Use verticality to your advantage in fortune's keep season 2

Beyond that, make sure you're using verticality to your advantage. Just like in Vondal, there is plenty of verticality, but here within Fortune, you obviously have to keep that multi-tiered castle, but you also have things elsewhere, like, well, just the towns and the sort of apartments or flats there.

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You also have Ground Zero, which is like three to four stories in elevation, from the bottom of the bunkers to the very top of the hillside. You want to make sure you use that to your advantage, or if you're caught on low ground, make sure you have an escape route. That's one thing that I've been caught in the bottom of Ground Zero quite a few times, and there's like two to three teams fighting at the top of us, and often times they're going to try and look down and pick you off in all that chaos of all of it, so if you're a parkour fan, utilize some jump spots.

This map is quite literally for you in that sense. The rooftops of town are a great example of that, but if you have low ground, do what you can to run smokes to try and get out of those situations without taking too much fire and try and reposition, to gain at least a level advantage, if not maybe even an advantage over your enemies.

The verticality you absolutely have to be conscious of within Fortune's Keep additionally playing for and watching those rotations.

Play for & watch rotations in fortune's keep season 2

On each zone, I've had so many times where people just will not be paying attention to where they have to move for gas, and my team can just hold them while they're pushed in with gas.

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