News - How The #1 Rebirth Player Drops 40 Kill Games Every Day. Warzone Tips, Tricks & Coaching

rebirth island tips and tricks

huge find right there with the smoke. Grenades yep double smoke it across so that we can actually get here now even in this moment guys even though it's not perfect like actually that was a pretty good that was good double smoke there to allow him to get across, some BuyBacks are happening so he's got to be really careful here and when we think about BuyBacks end game guys here here's the one thing I will say cuz this has happened to me a lot lately and you're going to see him play this really well he's not going to play the rooftop okay now why does he not play the rooftop here let's learn from this is a mistake that I've made recently or I guess he would play this rooftop right not this one he would play he'd be playing this rooftop, well what you generally get is you know there's one or two enemies in control and there's two enemies flying in Right double buyback.

So what teams end up doing is timing it perfectly. When Enemy Number One flies in, you fry him out of the sky, but because you're distracted by him, when Enemy Number Two flies in, you take a little bit of damage, and what's happening is that Enemy Number Three is pushing up the stairs and is able to get you, so just be really careful playing these rooftops late game because it's happened to me a lot lately where I'm just frying frying, they keep buying back, and eventually, they get me, and you know what.

the best rebirth player

Yep landed back on his loot second one's. Across good shots right there, and this DG guy is so easy to use, so he's running, casses. You just wait for a circle, let it pull, and figure out what's next. There's no cover besides where Knight is; this zone is very funky. There, now I would be thinking about, probably by station, footsteps to his left somewhere look at the shooting on the mini map, that's why he peaked that cuz he heard the shots on the mini map or he heard the shots confirmed it on the mini map, good shots right there good anticipation good centering One Straight Ahead good Li ping what's the biggest thing Li ping allows us to track through smoke right and getting this kill the smoke is already he threw that smoke Knight had already live pinged this guy manually this isn't from combat Scout he actually live pinged this enemy right here that allows him to track through smoke we don't get aim assist but Knight has the Precision to be able to do.

That, shots right there take that enemy out byy gas mask yep set yourself up for end game here and I like what he does buy back, nice doesn't panic here now all of a sudden right here guys in this moment we're going to go ahead and flip it he's going to buy gas mask pop.

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Today we are breaking down a 40 KILL game from Knight who is hands down one of the best Rebirth Players out there.
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