News - How The #1 Rebirth Player Drops 40 Kill Games Every Day. Warzone Tips, Tricks & Coaching

knight rebirth

I have no words for this; you can just watch it. I'm just going to stop talking. Yes knight's level of execution is another level okay there's no he was a former Cod Pro once again you're going to see him say I'm caught in a really bad spot here he has specialist, so actually shrouded perk is going to save him here because he is able to get the revive off with this shrouded perk and get back into cover Knights a former Cod Pro but little things centering Li pinging, hip firing before ads those things are going to allow you to win more gunfights more gunfights might be you win 15 as opposed to 10 might be 30 as opposed to 20 no matter what guys work on these things watch this right here looks like he backed up a bit yep he's caught in a tough spot Watch him try to get the LI ping off.

I can't quite get it. He sees this guy, though he's not overplaying it. Now he's going to push. He catches this guy running away. He gets the live ping there from combat Scout, so he has combat Scout here, which is a huge advantage, but Knight does do a really good job of live pinging people all the time, even if he doesn't have combat Scout.

knight rebirth island

It's something that I learned from him very early on. He pings in every situation. Long and close range just make it easier to track that enemy and take away their ability to play unpredictable. He cleared right; there's nothing that says these enemies aren't literally right here; look on the mini map; they literally could be right on the other side of this edge.

Yas i knew he had Tomas because my screen was yellow, and he wasn't shooting. Yeah, those are the little things that you know people like to do together. Now, does it matter? No, even if that guy had a gun, he was going to challenge him, but hey. I'm getting highly alert, but he's not shooting his gun; he probably has toas here, so we've got to be careful.

rebirth island 40 bomb

How do you get those right? What's the number-one most important thing that you need to be doing? To get those third-party kills from positioning from long range, you've got to pay attention to the hot areas. Even right here, we know that we're getting into the mix on this mini map, but you've got to be in the hot areas where teams are fighting to be able to get those easy kills, third parties, and multiples around the corner.

Watch him challenge around the corner here, and watch his entering live ping right there. Watch the second one, right? We saw two. You can't miss the second one here. There's kill number one. Look at the two guys on the mini map. Now we confirm that there's two one-two right here. Okay, so when we get that down out around this corner, yes, we're able to get this thirst.

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Live ping again; we see that live ping component. Yeah, that live ping helps so much on the roof, and we're going to start to slow this down a little bit. You know, Knight's able to put himself in a good spot to be able to win this. Just a little thing, there guys, preemptively dropping plates because if you don't, it gets really awkward in terms of having to replace it in your backpack, and like that, we've all been in that awkward situation before where we're like.

rebirth island 40 kills

I don't even know how to drop this or won't drop it. Hey, let's just go ahead and preemptively drop it live, Ping. He got to be careful; there's multiple here, but he knows this guy's close because he tracked the live ping. Right, we tracked that live ping, and that's the advantage where we take away the enemy's ability to play unpredictable.

and put us in a tough spot for live ping. It seems that this guy's running and knows there's one behind him, so he's going to go ahead and get out and break this line of sight right here. He probably should have used his stem. I'm surprised he didn't use his stim right there, but he's got a quick fix, which obviously allows him to regen that base health much quicker.

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This is where, like, you have quick fix and temper; it's a huge advantage. There is a little bit of a tough spot here. We see everybody on the mini map notice he's going to slow this pace down. Hey, I'm 37. This is a great game. Let's go ahead and slow this thing down. Let's make sure we put ourselves in a good spot here for the end game.

rebirth island high kill game

He's going to grab another UAV. He does not have a gas mask; he does have one, so I am a little bit surprised he didn't grab a gas mask there, but he's just looking to try to see where everybody is. We got people in prison, one guy rotated down, and when it comes down to it, guys, here's the reality.

rebirth island high kills

He needed to get that down right there. Yeah, now he gets it, but he's still in a really tough spot. Sometimes players like night guys are just going to make plays that you and I can't make like and this is probably one of them this is this is Knight bails himself out of this spot he bails himself out of a terrible situation right here he's going to go ahead, this guy he's stuck low ground this guy's on this head glitch he's able to break that enemy he's got to pull back here but what does he notice multiple enemies over to his left side here so he's in a really tough spot he's just going to back off now once again remember what I just said sometimes players like Knight are able to bail themselves out of situations, we're about to see it again here with this team at control he's stuck low ground he's in a really bad spot on the edge of gas by the way can I just say this real quick.

I always tell you guys, don't get stuck on the edge of gas. Knight got forced to this spot, right? Knight had no choice but to rotate down this hill and get stuck here. A lot of you guys just get stuck here, right? You guys just lost track of the circle. You make bad decisions, you feel comfortable, and you get stuck down here.

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You get forced, but this is why you don't want to get stuck low ground on the edge of the circle because then you're forced into these awkward fights and these awkward situations where you have to execute literally perfectly. Down Enemy Number One, good shots right there, still worried about this guy to the left side on the mini map.

rebirth island tips

Now he does have one to his right side here has one to his right side, and like I said, he's just got to bail himself out of this spot. He's going to stem, and he's going to use the smoke to his advantage. Really being careful here yep use that smoke, he's going to back off here use yep any cover that can find here he's going to take and what does he find he finds the smoke, grenades?

Today we are breaking down a 40 KILL game from Knight who is hands down one of the best Rebirth Players out there.
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