News - Top 5 Smgs Warzone Season 6 & Best Class Setups

New smg

New smg

Today I'm giving you the top five SMGs right now for season 6, starting off here with the still somewhat new ISO 9mm, and I'm just going to leave this on screen here for you. I'm going to leave the tuning up now. One more thing, by the way, is that these are in no particular order; it really comes down to whatever you feel most comfortable with and whatever you execute with the ISO 9mm.

Here is basically the perfect combination between the Lockman sub and the ISO 45. It's got really good mobility. It's got a very fast ttk, which is very similar to the Lockman Sub. It does have a little bit more range than the Lockman Sub, and then when it comes to comparing it to the ISO 45, it's got a very fast fire rate.

Obviously, it's in the ISO class, so we've got that ISO 45 look to it.

Old smg

Next up, we are going to go to the Lockman sub. If you are subscribed, you know that this is still my favorite SMG to run. The reality is, four seasons later, it's still a very good SMG. They've nerfed the range you have to play right on top of people and really use that mobility to your advantage, but if you are in that kind of 6 to 8-meter range right on top of people, this ttk is.

Pro smg

Absolutely insane next up, we are going to go to the bass. This is actually the gun that the pros are using right now. Everybody is kind of shifting to the bass P just because of how versatile it is. It's good all the way around, and to be honest with you, in my opinion, this replaces the V. The Vel was the versatile option for a while, but the bass P is really good.

Really good range, really good mobility. We obviously have the 50-round mag, and on top of that, it's got really good damage per magazine, so we can really take advantage of that when fighting.

Bonus: solos smg

Bonus: solos smg

Full teams, real quick bonus one right here, like super quick solos. Load out, guys. mx9, statistically, is an incredible SMG. Very fast—actually faster than the Lockman sub—but with that 32-round mag, realistically, you're not going to be able to use it for anything other than solos.

You might be able to get away with it in duos, but you're not fighting an entire team in trios and quads with a 32-round mag.

Forgotten smg

Next up here, we are going to the ISO 45. I told you the ISO 9mm was a combination between the Lochman sub and the ISO 45, which means we have to have both of those options on the list of really good all-around guns again.

I know what a lot of people are going to say here with the optic. Let me go ahead and pull this back up here. You know, I personally think it's okay to use without the optic, and frankly, if you like the ISO 45, you probably want to be using the ISO 9mm anyway.

Underrated smg

Following, finishing this up right here, we've got the vasev, honestly, my favorite.

I think it's the easiest SMG to use when it comes down to having success. It comes down to hitting your shots, specifically hitting high-damage areas. I think this has very little visual recoil; it's very easy to hit those high-damage areas, which is what makes it viable if you're going to be hitting, you know, stomach shots and toe shots.

The Vasnev is not for you if you can mix in those high-damage areas, take advantage of that sprint to fire time, and be able to get that first shot off. I hope you learned something, and as always, make sure you subscribe below for the best war zone.

Early game solo duos

Early game solo duos

Loadouts You know what I'm saying here: hunting, nice. Can we get loads out here? Daddy, just to be smart, now they have loadout guns or they took the loadout crepe; that's fine with any cash. Little Lockman sub-action: Let's make a deal. Let's make a deal, and you know there's been one guy over there for an hour.

What is going on? Give me that yummy thing I see. UAV nice; I'll take it okay. Good start right there. Good freaking start right there. Vanguard perk package means we can buy loads, or Vanguard perk per package means we can buy UAVs here. Really, that's what I mean. Nice little start there kept the I'm such an idiot because it's like such a habit that's fine.

Let's go challenge this solo. I'm so scared; I don't even know what's happening at this point. I've just got the freaking Lockman sub; go, n we're still doing we're still doing this article about it. I don't know what we're going to do with this article, and I'm going to have to see how this thing ends.

best 5 smg

This might have to be a Lockman sub-article. I've just used the Lockman sub at this point. Here, where's he going? UAV, he's leaving. That's fine let's go push across here. Let's just leave him. He can stay alive. Get his teammates back. We're zooming to an easy 30. This game played really well here.

There might be somebody up here, by the way. Guys, that's where it's just so easy to hit head-on. I don't know where that teammate Ping was, which makes me nervous. I don't want to push the bus station here. There's also a freaking watch on it. Anyone rotating in from we're going to rechallenge this.

Nice, now we're going to work with the M13. Now that we're taking it, it's just so easy to hit shots. We have a good lobby, but if you are subscribed, you know that, and you can watch me on stream and stuff. You know that I freaking use this thing all the time. I need to go now before I freaking give me one, two, or three.

best smg 2 season 6

What do I have? Do I have full durability? Yeah, so we'll go to Precision. Here we'll go, Precision, and let's go take Zipy Zip Day. My wonderful day! Plenty of sunshine. I'm going to get DMCA for that. There are these guys who have to push me. I do actually have to leave here. How much cash do I have?

I do not have enough for one UI. Here, what are those guys going to do? What do we think? Let me grab no way. Hold on, hold on, grab Vanguard. Have I held that the whole freaking time? I think I was an idiot. What a dumb, okay? Let's go i actually don't even have a load out here. Let's grab the UI.

Here, we'll take zip. Nope, we won't take Zip to rotate because where do I need to be? I need to be like across the street. Dead these freaking dudes with the riot shields that stink, man, is what it is, GG's. I hope you found today's article helpful.

best smg 2 vondel

The SMG meta is more open now than it has ever been before so today I am giving you my top 5 SMGs and the class setups.
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