News - Hard Stuck Platinum/diamond Ranked. Follow These Tips To Rank Up Rebirth Ranked Warzone

best way to rank up in ranked

Ladies and gentlemen welcome aboard I'm T Captain X if you're having trouble ranking up in war zone probably being stuck in Platinum or Diamond then this article will be perfect few because we're going to be breaking down a ranked game play and providing several tips for you guys so you can start improving in gaining Sr, now my very first tip is pick one spot and get really good at Landing there so with this squad we were landing at stronghold, all day and after a few times I started to really know the layout know the loot spots all of that for this area and I got really confident fighting here the other thing is make sure all three of you are landing right at the same spot so we are all landing at this Tower together.

And that way, if other people are landing here, you can all team shoot with your pistols to get those first kind of crucial knocks early on in the game. Now, when we land here, it doesn't seem like anyone's around us, so we immediately jump off to start looting, but we start getting shot out in the far right corner of the stronghold over here, so we're obviously making call outs to our teammates.

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Hey, we've got people here, so my goal is that I just want to find a decent gun here, find some plates, and I want to get into action, and we are all focusing on this, but notice how all three of us, we're all together, we're all focusing in the same direction, but we're all at different angles here.


So I'm able to move up from kind of like the far left flank here I threw a portable radar down here I'm able to get a knock on this first guy while my teammates are moving up helping me with the finish, and I've got both my teammates are in there and they're kind of on cleanup Duty here they get the other knock one goes down but because we were all together we're able to get trades and pick our teammates up and nobody goes down now when we come back here these this guy's teammates are back over here and we've got one guy on top over, right here I'm at a bad position obviously if I just try to take this challenge run out the open I'm obviously going to die here so take my time play behind cover this guy was focused on me and allows my other teammate to pick up that down as we again all push up together here all we're all together, but we're not kind of like necessarily hit to hip and we are taking different angles here.

Now we're trying to figure out where these people are. One is up on the tower, a teammate's able to pick up, and one is able to assist with that kill. And then also swipe; our third teammate is going to end up picking one up who was just trying to run away in the water. At this point, we've relatively cleared out the area.


Once you have your initial landing area secured, things will calm down. There aren't people directly around you; you have to prioritize getting money for a load out because getting that load out down and then also having that free loadout that spawns later in the game is going to be regaining. So much easier that way if you guys do end up dying you then you then have a load out that you can spawn back onto, so I've skipped forward just a little bit here because we basically just looted for the next minute and then we were able to get our load out now one reason why I like Landing stronghold is there's always this redeploy, here so as soon as we grab load out we can redeploy and we can just send it and get right into the action here now one of my teammates makes a call out that he sees an enemy right here at the edge of living and we're all going to start Landing here but notice how we're not going to land right on this guy we're all going to land just a little bit off and I'm going to land on this tent because I can use the top of the tent as cover.

rebirth island

I call a counter UAV. I'm looking for this guy. I'm not seeing him, but my teammate's making a call to me. Hey, he's running along the wall, so we start looking there, looking, and here he is. This guy by himself ends up being an easy kill because we're all team shooting. Now, whoever gets the finish of the kill is the one that's going to get those, you know, the pings on the map, so swipe, finish him, so he's making call outs to us.

rebirth island 3

Hey, they're at the control center, so we are going to the control center. Now if you're in like platinum diamond, you don't have to rack up a ton of kills to rank up really high in ranked but once you start getting into crimson and iridescent, you have to drop, somewhat High kill games and be winning or at least placing high in order to rank up so our goal is we want to we want to get as many kills but play smart at the same time, notice how we team shot that guy coming down and how easy it is when you are together and you all focused on the same enemy it makes winning these fights so much easier honestly the teamwork component of ranked is more important than your individual gun skill or movement or all of that again this situation here me and Turk are basically surrounding this guy this guy cannot get away ends up being an easy down for the both of us now things are about to get a little bit interesting here I've got two pings behind us, coming from the gas here of those guys teammates but swipe is our blue teammate.

He's making a call out, saying, Hey, there's also a team in control center, so we are between a team right now, and zone is moving in now. When you recognize that you're between a team here, the last thing you want to do is try to just keep fighting and do your best to take all the downs instead, it's much better to just play safe and go get in cover here, so Swip's going to make a call out and says.

rebirth island ranked

Let's, we are in a bad spot. Go into control and get in here. We need to pick a direction and go instead of being between two teams. So notice how all three of us are rolling together. We are all clearing out this building. Together because again, playing together the power of numbers is always going to be your best option here we're clearing out the roof here ends up being a player easy kill because we took different angles there instead of all running the same we just split up so we can kind of pinch this guy and now we're holding top control, however now again things are getting a little crazy there's a Counter UAV so it's hard to see what's going on but we've got a team coming into the what I call the skinny side of control here so as I work in trying to see if any of is in here I drop down I've got one player here but Turk my other teammate is right with me so I get it down but he's there and able to help for the second again we're playing together the chemistry is going and that's what making these fights so easy, however Turk goes down as soon as this happens now there is another team that's rolling up here.

TCaptainX has the BEST tips and tricks to RANK UP FAST in Call of Duty Warzone 3 Season 3.
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