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Elder sigil

Elder sigil

Escort contract Completing these contracts will get you even better rewards than Tier 3. However, the most important of them is an elder's sigil. This elder sigil can be placed on the opposite side of that dark Ether Portal, and it will take you to.

Elder dark aether mechanics

The elder dark ether The elder dark ether is identical to the regular dark ether, except you only have 15 minutes instead of 30 minutes.

There are the same three and only three contracts in the same places to complete again. It's not tier five; it's just tier.

Classified schematics

Three zombies in the special area are now completing those three contracts. Here in the Elder Dark Eternity, you'll find all three classified schematics. The dog bone schematic The second contract, no matter what it is, is the golden armor schematic, and the last contract, no matter what it is, will reward.


cod zombies

You with the ether blade schematic. There are only two Xville portals in the dark, one in the underground paths and the other at the very top of the pillars in the center structure. Typically, I find that the top portal is the safest, but you do not need to complete any contracts with Xville in the dark.

More secrets

More secrets

If you want to know what else it holds, be sure to check out this article and stay.Beautiful,

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