News - Black Ops Gulf War Zombies 2 Launch Maps Revealed Warzone 2. Terminus Island. West Virginia/tranzit

And taken over by seemingly Samantha Maxis this entity in the dark ether something probably happened in COD 2024 zombies in her childhood that we might see in that game and it might be linked to this Terminus outcomes map was she getting experimented on there is this something entirely separate and unrelated, we will have to wait and see moreover the Intel from the end of Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War hints at the director of recum Eddie showing down the entire country in West Virginia for a secretive project involving the excavation of tunnels and recruitment of scientists The Narrative int ly aligns with the potential setting of the quotequote, co-named ganet map portraying a rural West Virginia Town featuring the jet gun distinct Vermin a bank and a church these facts obviously lead to a single point of speculation.

cod 2024 leaks

A map that is a small city or town featuring a jet gun and some sort of vermin and a bankin church, and like I said before, it sounds suspiciously like a Transit remake or reimagining to me. If this is the case, I also think it's likely that the drum-scare Vermin we read about in the code could be Denis.

Because we see that for this Vermin quest, which, like I said, might be for the jet gun, it might be for a different wonder weapon, it seems like there's going to be a jump scare actually in that quest, and that could literally be Dennison. In fact, even in Act Four's Cour scene for mod Warfare 3 zombies, you hear a Dennison screech at one point, and that might just be a little teaser or suggestion that Denisons may be returning in the future.

cod 2024 zombies

I think denisons would work well in Modern Warfare 3 zombies as well, since it's an open-world zombie experience. Maybe if you go into the storm or something like that, there's denisons; if they do have Transit returning in C 2024, though. I hope we get to see a traditional round base version, maybe just you know with the town section, but then we also get to play on the full area of green run, but in some sort of open world zombie experience, akin to outbreak or Modern Warfare 3 zombies, because I think it would suit that better than a ram base experience, that way they could have two versions of the map.

I definitely think there's a lot more room for TK to work on different open-world zombie modes. Of course. Modern Warfare 3 zombies is a DMZ hybrid, but I would like to see an infinite survival, open world zombies mode, as well as the original outbreak, and I think Transit is the perfect setting for it and a unique zombie setting as well that isn't just reusing a war zone map so fits more with the zombies aesthetic and Vibe, as well as the fact that when Transit was originally developed, that was essentially T's first take at open world zombies.

cod 2024 zombies leak

That's what they wanted it to be, but they couldn't really fulfill all of their ambitions, which is why it ended up being so controversial, because they just didn't have enough development time and were so held back by the last generation consoles at the time and hardware limitations that they couldn't fulfill their ambitions, and it was just way too ambitious.

But if the denisons are indeed this jump scare, they may just be incorporated as a jump scare instead of a constant enemy, which could be a great way to return them to Nostalgia without ruining the map. Of course, people hated the denisons back in the day, but I do think there's also a way to balance them.

For example, maybe they let you roam out in the distance of the map past the out-of-bounds zones just a little bit, but if you go in there, you start taking a lot of damage and get attacked by Dennison. But then and then you have to run back onto the map, but maybe there's, you know, particular Easter eggs that force you out of those out-of-bounds zones just for a short duration to collect something or do something.

cold war zombies

I think that would definitely work for an open-world zombie mode, especially. With the constant rumors of the transit crew remakes throughout the postlaunch season of Black Ops 4. I think the idea that we may see Transit return or something very similar to Transit in TR next game is very likely. Like I said earlier, I don't know what this means for the other two victus maps; though buried as well as di rise, are they going to return to at some point?

Of course, apparently we're going to see Ramb Base Zombies 2 years in a row in COD 2025 as well, which is apparently a Black Ops I sequel, so that could be storyline-wise for zombies to be continuing on from Modern Warfare 3. Maybe we'll get more zombie remakes in there as well so that they're able to develop so much content for two games in a short time period, but regardless of COD 2025, zombies are just regarding 2024.


Zombies this ultimately means we are looking up to potential leaked launch Babs Terminus Island, the island that the recommended heads were taken to off the coast of Japan, and a city in West Virginia. One or both of these maps are likely to be featured as a pre-order bonus. Terminus will likely feature a boat with a deck cannon, and the West Virginia map seemingly features some sort of vermin enemy, the jet gun that can be obtained via a side quest, as well as a buying church and police tap for context.

The vermin is a class of enemies and zombies given to smaller or animalistic creatures.

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