News - Are You Using These Game-changing Attachments Warzone 2 Zombies

mw3 best hipfire class

Look at how fast that is. That's insane, Just for my curiosity, with a 50-round drum This might actually be usable. I thought this was going to be a me class here, but no, this is actually pretty good if you just focus on movement. Yeah, that's not too bad, and then there's that tax stance. Oh, W., and look how fast you tack stance.

Well, there you go. Focusing on movement is something that I didn't think was super viable, but it actually is.

Best tac-stance build

Best tac-stance build

Speaking of stance, let's see how I've been building my weapons lately. Now we're just going to focus on this tactical stance spread, so of course we've got this razor Hawk laser light checking our things. Here we got 21, right there 17. All right, 21 seems to be the winner here. We got 21 again with that aggressor grip.

Let's check everything else. Another 21 is here in stock—anything better than 21? Oh, there's 32; let's do it; we've got 8%. There, let's go back and see what this is: 15%, and this has got to be 15% as well, right? No, that's 23%. And of course I'm going to put on our 50-round drum, and let's see what this is—no sight, not really great hip fire, but T stance.

mw3 best tac stance

Yeah, what did we get the T dance down to? One degree is almost practically aiming down sights. We might be able to, okay, all right, it's not as good as the hitfire one was, but look at how good that is way down the line there. Let's stand all the way back here and that far dummy there that is pretty darn good, and let's do a full auto test here that is dead.

That's awesome this is how I've been building my builds the last couple of days, and my goodness, it has changed the way I play this game. And what's cool is that once you really start getting to know these numbers down here, you can start taking off attachments and then just reevaluating what these numbers are going to do.

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So without that attachment, it's now 1.5. But if we wanted to use something like a silencer or suppressor over here, we would be able to test off that tradeoff, and honestly, that's still a really good tactic. Dan spread here if I didn't want that suppressor and I wanted an optic for when I'm, you know, dealing with some boss zombies or something.

mw3 best tac stance attachments

I could still ta stance and then I could switch to a nice clean sight. It's not the best recoil, obviously, but this stance also has some decent movement. In fact, let's go ahead and kind of take this off to see if we can't increase that movement speed a little bit, and here we've got a semi-fast, semi-good movement speed here just T stance, so this is kind of the Jack of all trades, master of attack stance.

As I've said before, not every single weapon is going to have all of these attachments, but hopefully now you know what to look for when building your weapon. Of course, knowing the best attachments is kind of useless if you still need to rank up your weapon in order to unlock them, which is why you need a pretty darn good weapon.

XP strategy: Luckily, I have the best one in the game right here; be sure to check it out and stay. Beautiful,

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