News - All Possible Meat Wallbang Spots ( Penetration Kills ) Warzone 2. Challanges - Tips And Tricks

easy penetration kills mw3

You go over here, on the left side. Remember that bulletproof crate I was talking about? You can shoot people at it from mid-map without even showing your ugly face. Post up right here, right we go right. Here, you can shoot through this right here, y you see I shot right there running low on ammo so I'm might have to reset you shoot through this wall right here, right, shoot through this whole wall right here once you get to these barrels you can't really shoot through it no more let me reset my ammo cuz there's a lot more cheese to show you all right so as I just shown you right you're able to shoot through this whole wall right here and hit them right here in this corner without even showing your face right we still haven't left mid map guys we can still shoot people, right so let's say you're still on Mid map right you can post up right here you can place a Deployable cover I don't think you can stand up here because you do have that barricade above you which makes sense but you can shoot through this wall aiming through this doorway right here right and you can hit them in this back spawn right here remember you're still in mid map you haven't shown your forehead.

You kind of have this pallet in your way, so be able to shoot a little bit above the pallet; that's totally fine, but you can shoot them through those absolutely bonkers right, but you're still in. Midm. So right here, you're still on mid-map. I got it placed all the way back in their spawn. Right there, you're on this head glitch.

You can hit them back there I broke the Deployable cover already as you probably just seen but you can hit them right you can hit them back spawn right there you're not even leaving mid map you got control of that side of the map this side of the map you can hit them right there you can hit them right here you can hit them right here.

how to get penetraion kills

And you can hit them right here on the opposite side of this, so you're not even leaving. You're not even leaving mid-map; it's so cheesy—literally, if you are in a party, reverse boosting. VPN: which way you enjoy the game, you don't have to leave mid-map; you can cheese the whole map. Think about that: you could shoot people through this wall when they're coming through this way; if you miss them right here, they're coming over this way; you can't shoot through this wall; you can shoot right here, right back of their spawn.

If you need to, you can probably place a deployable cover right here where it's not so close and you can wall bang them through this whole wall right here. Right here, see him coming back crate, shoot him through the back crate, see them through this whole wall, and I think you could get a deployable cover stand up, you could shoot them through this whole wall, and I think you could get a cheesy angle back there, but because this is bulletproof.

how to get penetration kills

I don't think you can do that, which is fine. We've witnessed enough cheese in mid-map; we don't, and we don't really need anymore, so that's just mid-map for you. Let's go let me go ahead and show you the other side. We're going to focus on this side of on the map.

Other spawn / wallbang breakdown

Other spawn / wallbang breakdown

Going on this side of the map, something that you need to know is that if you have walls that are like this that are back to back, you cannot penetrate through both of them. Some walls in the game you can, but the majority of the time you can't, so you see, I'm shooting through this while I can't hit it.

If I can get to one wall, you can. That's something to keep in mind, of course, so you can shoot through this whole back wall right here. Right, you can shoot through this whole back wall going into that side of the spawn right here. You can go prone, and we're going to be shooting through this little doorway right here, and you can shoot through this whole thing right here and get them.

how to get penetration kills in modern warfare 3

Through that pallet and that small opening into that spawn point right there but the other way around it's better, because you do got a better angle from this side of the map compared to that side of the map you can shoot through this wall you can shoot through this wall as well since this is 10 you can shoot through this spawn point right here all the way over here especially over that headit you can actually shoot through two walls like I showed you earlier you can't on this side you can which is really weird so we're going to be shooting through that bar barade, stone wall and right here and you can hit them both probably because that's Stone and that's tin and you know the two or different materials I guess but yeah you can shoot through that right so nobody's safe but if you place a Deployable cover like right here stand on it you now are leveled, right you're leveled with the spawns up there and you're able to hit the spawns down here as well too just know this right here will be in your way now like I did State that's basically all the wall bang spots for this map I did in fact record.

how to get penetration kills in mw3

A whole article for it. But real quick there's this wall bang on this wall as well you can line yourself up with this rust spot right here and basically go back and forth like this and you should be able to hit the spawns, right here, there's one there one there and I think there's one right here you could lay down right here, you can hit this back room right here right let me show you real fast just to prove it to you so you're going to be laying down you'll be able to hit them when they come around this corner right here only got seven bullets left until I got a reset but you don't got to really lay down you can Crouch you know what I mean the L down gives you that extra bit of angle to where you can hit them through there so that's basically all the wall bang spots for this mat man and, honestly.

I'm surprised at how cheesy you could play midmat; honestly, when I play with the party, I'm going to try to get a wall penetration that kills only MGB, and honestly, on this map, it is possible. Just know that it's really unfortunate if you are a steam player or a battl net player if you're going to be killing people like this on PC; unfortunately, if you get reported for it, you might get shadowbanned.

how to get penetration kills mw3

It's unfortunate how the system works, but it is just the way it is; you know it sucks. That the anti-che actually doesn't work out as expected when I was shadowbanned, for the stupid reason I was cuz I spam reported I was playing with people in shadow ban lobbies that did not know what was going on, like these people were below my skill bracket by like a ton.

I mean i had people walking around Crouch, or, you know what I mean, laying down. Of course, there is a little bit of tangent there. It was insane, honestly.

Video outro / steam - battlenet shadowban warning

Video outro / steam - battlenet shadowban warning

Subscribers, the support has been insane over the past month. We've gained close to almost 100, so let's see if we can, you know, get another 100 before January. You know what I mean. I'll catch you guys later.

Thanks for watching hope you enjoy ALL POSSIBLE WALLBANGS Penetration Kills in MW3! Challanges - Tips and Tricks Vid.
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