News - All "new" Warzone 2 Camo Rewards Showcase. Sneak Peek - Season 3 Reloaded

This is like season 4, week 8 camo unlock for doing eight weeks worth of challenges in that season could totally be a camel like that; it's that cool looking where I can really see it, but it's very arcade-like, like, very arcadey if you want to put it that way, so I wouldn't be shocked if this was unlocked through a fun parkour-type mode like what we just got with Get High for the 420 collaboration.

modern warfare 3

Obviously, with the get-high map we just played, there weren't any rewards for actually beating it or hitting a certain score, but if they were to bring out another parkour-type experience like that. I could totally see this camo being a reward for beating an obstacle course of some sort. I think that would be really cool to see every season a different type of parkour experience that releases, you know, in between the beginning and middle of the season, and then you can maybe get a camo for hitting certain milestones while playing now.


Season 3 reloaded even rewards??

Season 3 reloaded even rewards??

I'm speculating here, but don't forget that the season 3 blog post initially confirmed that a Cod endowment event to celebrate military appreciation month is meant to go live at some point in the second half of season 3. Is it possible this camo could be a reward for such an event? I think it's possible that maybe it's a bit too arcade for an event like the Cod Endowment one, but if you look at the camo itself.

I just get vibes of Prestige icons or some level of honor on the camo, even though it's very animated. I can't really make out what this could be tied to. If there were basketballs on it, we could say yeah, it's the NBA camo, but I'm really curious if this is tied to an event that we're about to see in season 3.

mw3 binary morality camo

I mean, in all honesty, anytime a camo leaks out, it's usually released within a month and a half or within the next season and a half, and this has been leaked since season one, so I feel like if anything, this camo is just around the corner, but Let's look at some other camos that have also leaked out, which can also be dropping any day now through a variety of methods.

All upcoming camos previewed␦

We have the Velvet Radiance Camo, which I believe has also been leaked for quite some time. We then have thirsty luck, which was clearly tied to a St. Patty's event of sorts, and I'm assuming that got canceled since all we got for St. Patty's Day was just a bundle; we didn't end up seeing this release through a free gift pack or challenge event.

It's unknown if this is ever just going to drop randomly; it's kind of late for it now, but who knows? We also have blue steel, which I believe was directly tied to the Warhammer collab that we just got in season 2. So the fact that they released quite a bit of cosmetics for the Warhammer collab but this cam was nowhere to be seen, maybe it's possible there's going to be a second Warhammer collab during this game's life cycle or this was part of some content that ended up getting canceled, who actually knows, but it just has me thinking.

mw3 blue steel camo

If there's a camo that was done for a cancel challenge event, why not just drop it in through a free gift pack or even throw it into a bundle? Even though I wouldn't agree with having to pay 20 bucks for a camo, I wouldn't want to do that, but at least throw it somewhere, don't just cancel it completely.

You guys will probably agree that there's also this unnamed blue, gold, and black camo. There's one called Royal Mess, one called Regal Death, and then lastly, we have Welcome to the Mainframe Camo, which you will unlock for free after scanning for a biometric key card on 27 different calendar days on Rebirth Island.

I don't think they are. I've looked through all my camos, and I haven't seen any of them. I know they're not tied to rank, so if I make a mistake again, I'm human.

Tedious camo unlock like dmz serpentine

Tedious camo unlock like dmz serpentine

Now You guys might also debate me on this, but I'm actually down for a ridiculously tedious camo unlock similar to Serpentine from DMZ. But for the Zombies mode, that would be really cool if there was an Easter egg tied to a cam unlock of some sort, but to where the camo was actually worth grinding, many hours for right.

Serpentine is a very rare camo that you can only unlock through DMZ. There just isn't much to do in zombies right now, so I wouldn't mind if they added a camel grind like that late into this game's life cycle or towards the very end, like we again saw with Serpentine at the end of mww's DMZ life cycle.

Up next: animated vortex camo

mw3 nba event

But don't forget, in the next couple of days—this Wednesday, to be specific—we have the binary morality animated cam you'll be unlocking for free through the XP-focused virus Mainframe event. There will be a brand new Vortex playlist dropped this Wednesday. I'll be live streaming here on the channel as we complete the week four challenges to get a new amp, and we'll also be going through this event to unlock a free animated camo.

It's beautiful-looking, one of the best free camos we've seen in a while, and again, you only have to hit about. I think 500, 000 plus XP total, which is not hard if you pop tokens, do challenges, play longer games that won't be that hard to unlock, and you'll probably have a week tops to go ahead and earn that since season 3 reload, it's probably going to reset all the events in the playlist as of Wednesday.

May 1st, but the last thing I'll end with for those out there,. Hey, wait dk What about the windfall camo? Is there any indication of how we're going to unlock it as of now? No, there isn't. I'll make a follow-up article once we know a little bit more, but I will.

Grand mastery camo reward rumor

Grand mastery camo reward rumor

Remind you that during the season 3 creator call, Slammer, they confirmed that they're looking into the possibility of some type of reward for having done all the mastery grinds in Modern Warfare 3. It's just unclear if that means the mastery grinds like Interstellar and Borealis or does it account for Modern Warfare 2, where it's like, Hey, if you did Orion Interstellar.

You'll get a reward, or is it going to go even crazier and say, Hey, if you did Interstellar, Orion Borealis, and Bioluminescent? which is the zombie cam grind from a Warfare 2 weapon. By the way, if you did all four of those camo unlocks, you'll get one mastery reward, hopefully not a charm but an actual camo or a new camo you can actually grind for and unlock after doing a bunch of challenges again, similar to Obsidian, which got added post-launch for Modern Warfare 2019.

Closing statements

I really hope you've enjoyed it. Peace out, everybody.

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