News - All New Update Patch Notes. Warzone & Warzone 2 Update 1. 36

modern warfare 3 patch notes

Also, weapons addressed an issue that displayed an incorrect BRUAN MK9 attachment unlocking description in the after-action report; stability resolved a PC-specific crash players encountered at the start of season 1; this was released earlier and added various stability fixes as well. There is still nothing to do with if your game crashes; you still lose all of your items; there is nothing addressing that whatsoever, which is a big problem because the wallet doesn't currently exist, so the big problem with that one still hasn't been addressed moving into the war zone; so the majority of the war zone here is going to be weapon changes, so we will get into that in a second again.



Same fix that they had with Modern Warfare 3 for the V5 short barrel breacher drone, same fix as their customization, same fixes in Modern Warfare 3, but moving into the Battle Royale side of things strengthens A black-sight key will now only be rewarded the first time a stronghold is completed; subsequent captures by other squads will no longer reward a key redeployment.

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The Resurgence redeployment mechanic will now be disabled at the end of Circle. 3 so I believe that is earlier in the game—public events. Public events have been disabled in circles 1 and 2. On top of that, the chance for public events to occur in later circles has been adjusted, so I'm guessing they've raised the possibility that now, moving into weapon adjustment, this is probably the biggest advantage for people looking at the breadth of weapons and attachments on offer.

modern warfare 3 update

Some outliners were performing above expectations. We have taken immediate steps to mitigate them and support healthy engagement. I'm glad i'm super glad that they are adjusting weapons this early on. It took a very long time within Modern Warfare 2, and this is literally a week later, so a big thumbs up in my books.

First of all, the G56 is a burst-fire weapon. Max damage reduced from 32, down from 40, so that's a big Nerf at damage, reduction of eight, the F fr556 damage, reduction to 35, down from 43, so both of those got a pretty big Nerf after this, we have the bass B. This was everyone's favorite weapon—well, kind of a favorite weapon.

We'll get into that in a second. Max damage was reduced to 35 down from 39, and mid damage was reduced from 27 down to 25. Kimbo, the core 45 Max damage reduced to 30 down from 45, so that's a pretty big Nerf there a Kimbo retti, Max damage reduced to 22 down from 33. I had this one in my best loadouts.

modern warfare 3 update 1.36

The article headshot multiplier was also reduced. These things were ridiculous. I didn't think many people were using them; I thought it was just me, but hey, marksman rifles The DM 56 Max damage was reduced to 41 down from 50, and the Min damage was reduced to 37 down from 39. The KVD enforcer headshot multiplier was reduced to 1.8, down from 2.2.

The MTZ Interceptor, this one the headshot multiplier reduced to 1.5, down from two, I still think this weapon is going to be godly. Three shots will be way less common, but four shots will still be in there. I don't think that's enough of a nerf for the weapon. If you ask me, I think it'll still be very good, but the tyr akimbo Max damage reduced to 70 down from 120; that is a big Nerf to the akimbo t Ys, the haym maker.

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This was a really good weapon. Max damage reduced to 36 down from 52, which is a big Nerf there, and the Modern Warfare 2 fenic max damage reduced to 22 down from 25. The headshot multiplier was reduced to 1.25, and the low lower torso was reduced to one from 1.1. Just to be clear, most of these are the best weapons that are currently in Bass B: the F-556, the retes, and the MTZ intercept.

modern warfare 3 warzone

I don't know if I mentioned that one and fenic were all the best weapons in the game, so this is going to completely change the meta, and they are already doing it a week after the game is launched, so that is pretty crazy. Based on what I'm reading, I still think the MTZ Interceptor will probably still be the best weapon in the game.

I don't think that's enough of a nerf to completely negate it, but we'll have to wait and see. I might have a article on that later on, but rebalance, the first person, and enemy footstep audio—so this is the audio that we were talking about in my review of it since the launch of season 1 last week.

modern warfare iii

We've been actively listening to player feedback regarding audio concerns in War Zone, especially those related to footsteps. This initial update is aimed at addressing some of these concerns and enhancing the overall experience before we head into the holidays. I'm very glad they're doing this. Also, what this means is that we're probably not getting an update next week aside from the event update, which we'll go into next week.

When making changes such as this, there's a complex mix of variables we need to meticulously look at and consider. One of the primary factors to consider is the credibility of the experience across our titles to avoid a large gap between War Zone multiplayer and zombies beyond that changes to things like occlusion, falloff distance, first-person and third-person balance, or specific perk mechanics.

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Can have a ripple effect due to the sheer number of interacting, overlapping sounds in the Battle Royale match. Please know that we've committed to ongoing improvements to ensure that players can fully immerse themselves in the game while maintaining a competitive edge. Your continued constructive feedback is appreciated, and we will continue to work towards making War Zone the best it can be on every front.

mw3 new update

I don't know what this means; they rebalanced it; they didn't say what they did here; they were essentially just saying they made it better. This is going to have to be something once we jump into the game to see how much better it is, and then bug fixes. I'm not going to go into that, so those are all of the updates.

It's way more than you would think, like the 1 point, something gig-sized update that came out today, but War Zone Meta completely adjusted. Hopefully, I could keep you guys updated if you enjoyed it.

Today we got a brand new title update for Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 and Warzone. In this video we look at all the new update 1. 36 patch notes and changes in Call of Duty Warzone and MW3. I hope you enjoy.
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