News - Why Cod Warzone 2i Isn. T Just A. Dlc. Cod Mw3 2023

If you want to just wait till that, then there you go anyway, though we don't have to do that; it's just the same thing people don't want to accept: that history has repeated itself. I even said this many months ago when they leaked this [__] the fact that they added red dots back. I was like, damn, yeah, sledgehammers, making MW3, okay, sounds like what we've already had; they're fixing up problems MW2 had; yep, sounds like we've already had that as well, because yeah, oneman Army Noob tubes were not very fun, but they got rid of them in MW3, and it was much better now.

modern warfare 3

I'm not going to say of course the original MW3 is always going to be better no matter how good this MW3 is I don't think it'll ever top the fact that the original MW3 was just a banger game so I don't I'm not saying like it's the 100% exact same thing I'm just saying when we're comparing the two different things the situations are so similar but anyways, that's going to wrap up this article there's not much else to say about this I know there's going to be this is a very controversial take I feel like, this just but then again in this Call of Duty Community man you can't make anyone happy I say one thing there's always going to be people who come in and disagree even if it's like in the popular opinion or whatever of what I it's I don't say [ __ ] basically to appeal to people is my point.

I say what I believe, and I truly believe that this is no different than the original MW3, comparing it to the original MW2, and I think that it's completely fine if we're taking an old product and improving on it. I don't see what the problem is; if you don't find it worth $70, don't pay for it. I'm not telling you to pay for it.


I don't blame you. I just don't understand what hate is. Until War Zone 3, we're going to have these Call of Duty games feeling the exact same pretty much the same, so enjoy that. I don't even know if they'll ever actually do War Zone 3 because they already took War Zone 2 out of the name and they just ramed at War Zone, and yeah.

I don't know; maybe they just won't realize that that's not a good thing to do. It's more profitable to have people under the idea that their skins always transfer and stuff like that to the next Call of Duty game, so they have to keep it under the same engine, which keeps things boring and stale for a game like Call of Duty and really restricts innovation.

mw2 season 6

That's why we haven't seen the P-10 system in so long; it's just my point, man. Call of Duty will always be the same, at least in this situation. It's much better than it was in last year's version. I really wish that I didn't buy MW2; actually, that's not true. I am glad because now I'll have my weapons leveled up for MW3 2023, which is nice because it'll actually be, if anything, better to buy this now if you avoided that because, then, if you avoided last year's Cod because of the fact that this is a far better version, you'll get to actually enjoy these weapons like in a game that's not [__].

So that's what I'm saying, and that's what makes me excited about this. I'll be able to actually enjoy these old weapons. I'll be able to enjoy the new weapons in a game that actually has a high time to kill and actually has a skill. Gap actually has red dots on the mini map; it actually has Ninja as a perk; it actually has ghost disable if you're not moving; it actually has My God, man, there's so much about this game that is so much better than the last game.

mw3 2023

All of these minor decisions add up and make for a much better experience. No visual recoil compared to what Model 2 2022 has, which makes it impossible to see what you're shooting at half the time when you're playing keyboard or mouse, which I know is the minority of players compared to the controllers who play on console and stuff like that, but still, when you can't see what you're aiming at and you don't have any aim assist whatsoever, it's difficult to play the game is my point, and that's what makes it frustrating and not fun; it doesn't feel fair, it doesn't feel fair, and that's why people complain about aim assist.

I mean, that's not the only reason people complain about it, but that's why I complained about it in the past. Just because of things like that, I can't see what I'm aiming for, and I never complained about aim assist until MW2 2022. I want to make that very clear, so whatever they did in that game is what made it feel so it felt, far worse for a keyboard and mouse player.

Have a great,

Call of Duty is a franchise that I've been playing for over a decade now and I've seen it at it's worse and at it's best. In this video I talk about why Modern Warfare 3 or MWIII 2023 has the potential to be a Top 5 COD Game.
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