News - What Exactly Changed From Warzone 2. Side By Side Comparisons

Munitions box & streak call-in times

Munitions box & streak call-in times

I wanted to test one annoying thing I found with Modern Warfare 2: the amount of time it takes to throw down a Munitions box and then collect the Munitions from it. Unfortunately, it appears this didn't change at all for Modern Warfare 3, and another thing that was really annoying within the first several months of Modern Warfare 2, but they ended up speeding this up was the amount of time it takes to call in streaks.

More specifically, the streaks where you just pull out a smartphone and hit a button, so uavs counter uavs, for instance. Thankfully, they did speed this up partway through the life cycle of Modern Warfare 2, and it turns out that in Modern Warfare 3, the timings are exactly the same as the current state of Modern Warfare 2, which isn't necessarily a bad thing.

I think it is in a reasonable state now, whereas previously it was just way too slow.

Visual recoil changes


Finally, for this article. I did want to do a comparison with the visual recoil between weapons in Modern Warfare 2 compared to Modern Warfare 3, and the main reason is that this is a pretty big complaint from Modern Warfare 2.

The gun seems to jump around a lot in your hands, and the reticle seems to bounce around within the frame of the optic a lot as well, making it a lot more difficult to track what you're shooting. And I think this is great because it can be really hard to track where exactly that dot is as you're firing full auto.


and this means that you can generally just try to keep your target toward the center of the frame of your optic and you should be landing your shots effectively, additionally when it comes to visual recoil another thing that happens in Modern Warfare 2 a lot is the muzzle smoke can take up a good portion of your screen if we look from one frame to the next you can see just how much of that Haze covers almost your entire screen, and this is even in a darker situation where I don't have sunlight behind me so it can't get much worse than this whereas in Modern Warfare 3 just like modern warfare 2019 it seems like that muzzle smoke and the gases that are released, it's much more localized, on the bottom right of your screen, and therefore you don't have like a general Haze as you're shooting at your target so it's going to feel a lot less like a strobe light is hitting you in the face as you're firing your gun especially in brighter situations. And with that, that's going to wrap it up for just a bunch of side-by-side comparisons between Modern Warfare 2 and Modern Warfare 3.

My thoughts on the changes

My thoughts on the changes

Overall, I do think they've made a lot of nice, subtle improvements that really add up to improving the experience. Overall, I do feel a lot more free with my movements, largely because we have the ability to cancel certain animations.

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I didn't even touch on reload canceling here; it doesn't really make sense to compare them side by side, but we do have the ability to reload cancel in Modern Warfare 3. We can chain mantel faster together, but we've got less visual recoil. Potentially, faster straight speeds on assault rifles, although more testing is needed in the future, and perks that help in many of these areas as well that we didn't have access to in Modern Warfare 2 now individually These changes may be minor, but add them all together, and it really does change the experience, at least in my opinion.

Wrap up

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