News - Welp, Sledgehammer Broke Warzone 2 Again

Whereas when you have 150 HP, there is a huge balancing problem, and this is where I have to be honest with you guys. I don't think any of this stuff will ever be resolved, and I personally believe that as long as we have 150. HP you know these problems will always be in Call of Duty. I just have to opt for 100 HP because it's easier to balance.

Every single time we're dealing with the same stuff, it's not even a shocker anymore. If we get another game with 150 HP. I'm going to automatically assume that weapons like the long bow and burst weapons are going to be the default go-to, you know, type of content that you want to mess around with because it's going to demolish the competition because it has the best damage.

modern warfare 3 bas b jak outlaw kit class

I like I said I think the only way to really balance out this baz B aftermarket part and also the long Bell is to lower the chamber speed you have to that that's the only thing I could think of because, that's what annoys me the most about these weapons when I go up against them and that's what I love the most about these weapons when I'm personally using it and I'm stomping out enemies, how quickly I can mow down enemies back to back to back I don't have to chamber in a bullet it doesn't take like 5 Seconds to get another bullet in even though it never takes 5 seconds but you know I'm OV exaggerating, but you get the idea right compared to any other sniper in the game, you know these types of weapons like the long Bell.

modern warfare 3 bas b jak outlaw kit class setup

They don't have to take long; you literally have another shot out within like a half a second. You know, it's almost like a semi-automatic weapon at that point, but it has damage. Of a sniper rifle, and that's where we run into these problems where people can literally just run non-stop on small Close Quarter maps and Bam they don't got to think about how they're positioning themselves or where they're going or you know how long it's going to take to get another bullet into the weapon so they can engage again.

No, that's not even a concept, that's not even an idea that's running through their head. The only thing running through their head is how fast they can run to the map and how many kills they'll get in, you know, the fastest amount of time, but to go ahead and summarize. I don't necessarily think this is Sledgehammer's fault that it's so overpowered; you know.

I think they just wanted to go ahead and add in another weapon like the longbow into the mix. The problem is 150. HP, and I don't think that's ever going to be resolved. The only way I could think of resolving this is to, like I said, lower the chambering speeds, but at the same time, you'll still have other weapons like, you know, knives and chains.

modern warfare 3 new bas b aftermarket part

Shotguns and other weapons will just dominate up close and personal, so you'll resolve one thing, but there will still be an endless amount of other possibilities that will obviously pop up in place of the Longbow and the Bass B aftermarket. Part, but still I got to put the blame on Sledgehammer in one thing and one thing only why would you add another Longbow, that's where I got to put the blame on them I'm not blaming them for it being ridiculous because again that just comes with the time to kill but why would you add another one in, you knew that the community didn't like it I mean I guess they like it because you always see it in the small map Mosh Pit but the number one complaint I always see is that the small maps are just overrun by long Boos nobody even uses any more snipers you don't even see skilled snipers anymore, these things right here take no skill I'm telling you right now and if you think they take skill I have a really.

new modern warfare 3 aftermarket part

Truth be told, go ahead and break to you, man. Like I said, they have no skill. These are the easiest weapons in the universe to use; it takes no effort to go ahead and put an iron or a red dot on and just flick from Target to Target and absolutely demolish lobbies. And you don't see anybody using basic snipers anymore; everybody just opts into this cheese.


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