News - Warzone: New Top 10 Best Meta Loadouts After Major Update. Warzone Best Setups

Z35 compensator 839, V, with this on is not bad at all; dr6 hand stop to keep things nice and aggressive. Crown H3 Barrel will extend that range, and that V-out suede makes it a little bit more versatile with some nice movement benefits as well as 60 runs extended. very basic, then I like the Ardent tack stock for some better control, not really getting any major drawbacks in terms of movement there, so it's actually some solid pros for very minimal cons there.

It works nicely as sniper support.

Warzone 3 best bruen mk9 & wsp swarm

Warzone 3 best bruen mk9 & wsp swarm

If you were looking to drop into some games energized and focused, look no further than Gfuel. Now flipping back to another LMG, SMG, setup, here we've got the bruan, which is still very solid for a mid- to long-range option. Here they did Nerf the close range. With season 3 Reloaded, I paired this with the Swarm.

warzone 3 meta loadout

There's a lot of SMGs in general; it's very competitive with the WASP, the striker, the striker 9, the HMR, and the Rival, but it wasn't really anything too crazy beforehand. Amr9 is not really great for close range. Ram 9 is decent, but again, not like any major standout, the Horus's. Ttk is kind of mid so the swarm's not a bad option it'll outgun some lose to others it's sort of that middle ground there for the Bruins setup going for Spirit fire suppressor per usual brew and heavy support I go for the Horizon Barrel in most cases now just for the better V and better control there 60 run mag makes it a little bit more aggressive and AR lmg, feeling like similar to war zone 1 2.5 times eagi very straightforward, very basic setup here then the Swarm setup Jack BFB is one that I've kind of messed around with back and forth I see a lot of questions about this in most situations I just don't find it necessary anymore While yes, control is fantastic on a weapon like the Swarm that has a lot of recoil, the cons here of the V, which isn't super important in close range, are noticeable.

The ad penalties, the Sprint of Fire penalties, are not worth it when you can just use the Z35 and still get decent control out of here, and you're still going to be way faster, right? The Reckless 90-long barrel extends that effective damage range out some so that we got that quick ttk, Dr6 hand stop 100 round drum Nidar model 2023. I'm not a fan of the irons here yet again, so this works nicely for that, but yeah, Swarm is still holding its own nicely now, really.

Warzone best rapp h meta loadout

Warzone best rapp h meta loadout

We're only focused on the primary here because we're using the MW2, which has a crazy ttk. I pair this with the same Wasp 9 setup that we covered earlier, so there is no need to rehash that, but as far as the wrap setup goes, here I am going for the CTS break; initially, we got a 966.

Vlo so we don't necessarily need Spirit fire if you want to use that to stay off the map go for it I find myself being way more accurate with this though obviously attacking that horizontal control ruin heavy support doing more of the same Plus added firing aame stability and idle sway the high grain rounds better range better velocity, 100 round mag the reload on this thing is bad so if I don't have to do it as often I'm going to go for the extended mag and do it less often and then 2.5, times Eagle iion here yet again this thing for an MW2 gun is probably one of the better options that we've got right now and then for our last one here's sort of my experimental load out with the hoger 556.

warzone 3 meta loadouts

Warzone 3 best holger 556 meta loadout

Also using the same Striker 9 setup that we covered at the start of the article too, but for the hoger here, it is a really easy rifle, and its ttk is pretty competitive; you're just super limited with your ammo; 40 rounds is not a ton; 50 or 60 it'd be fine, but 40 you are somewhat limited. Luckily, you're so accurate with this thing, and especially with this setup, we got the angle under Barrel here.

You could even upgrade to brew and heavy if you wanted to, but I feel like this works just fine.

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