News - Warzone Mobile Ultimate Movement Guide For Beginners / Noob To Pro 1 Day

Once you have gotten the hang of it, we have the most complicated one out of the way. I'm going to show you guys how to do a Dophin dive, and it's pretty simple; all you have to do is tactical sprint and hit your prone button right. That's why I said you should separate your prone button from your Crouch button, and that's the reason why: because it's easier to go into a dolphin dive by using your prone button than holding down on your Crouch button to do a dolphin dive.

What the it's easier to go into dolphin dive or prune when using your pronee button dedicated prone button than using your crush button holding down on it because it's going to take a long while to do so once again all you got to do is hit that tactical sprint and that prone button, and that's how you dive dolphin dive, right?

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I've done an in-depth tutorial on how to combine this movement with other movements to ledge dive and also change direction when diving. Right tactical sprint or D left by just using your movement joystick to change the trajectory of your character or change the direction of your character. So those are the basics of dolphin diving.

Now we have covered two out of four of the basic movements we're going to go on with, such as jump shooting or bunny hopping. Right now, you see me doing this a lot, and you see a lot of pro players doing this a lot in their. Gunfights, and basically what it does is throw off the enemy's aim, making you harder to hit, but the con of this is that it also shows off your tracking, and you have to actually have a decent amount of tracking ability and also good aim in order to perform this maneuver successfully.

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Right, and you can combine it with other movements in order to successfully win a gun fight, so the basics of this. Button, jump button, and your movement joystick left right or forward and backward, right any direction that you want to move your movement joystick, and also, of course, you're going to have to aim using the right side of your screen and make sure you track your enemy so to do this really quickly.

Ads, drum shoot, right, so this is just a basic drum. Shooting: this is basic drum shooting. Hit that tactical sprint. Button, so what you're going to have to do is hit that tactical sprint button and jump, and as you can see, I'm jumping. I'm continuing to move in the direction that I already set my movement joystick to, and that's to the right, so once I hit that tactical.

Sprint, you jump shoot, and you move, and as I said, this is also determined by the weapon build, basic jump shooting, and basic bunny-hopping movements you're going to combine tactically. Sprint ads, jump and shoot, and also your movement joystick into any direction that you want to go. So those are the basics of bunny-hopping and drum-shooting.

We're going to move on to the last but not least, and that's drop shotting. Drop shotting is essentially combining the prone button with your a and shoot. You're going to have to get a little bit of pop shot off while H first centers your crosshair and then goes into prone while continuing to shoot right-fire OT and throne, and that's it.

So get a bit of pop shot off, dip fire, ads. Prone while shooting right. So while shooting him, if you're going to wait until. You idiot, then prone and shoot, you're going to be dead, so you have to make do it really quickly. While continuing to hold on to your shoot button, you're going to go into prone and ads.

So that's a basic maneuver of drop shot in all right, so that concludes the basic maneuvers or the basic mechanics of War Zone Mobile. You can combine all these very quickly and with more style in order to outplay your enemies, and as I said. I've done an in-depth article on how to do that in my previous movement guide, so be sure to check that out as well.

Please be sure to check that out so you don't miss out on anything. We have a two-month goal we're trying to meet, okay? You can outperform even the best of the best right now, too. Both articles have hard codes for each device—phones and tablets—so be sure to check those as well, and also be sure to check out my other game plays because they're actually entertaining.

Trust me, you will see that I'm implementing all these things that I'm showing you. Have yourself a wonderful rest of the day. Take care of yourself. Take care of your family.

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