News - Warzone 2's Bundle Collections Are Super Greedy

State, if you can't tell I'm not going to be buying this bundle I'm not going to recommend people to buy this bundle because boy I am not happy with the current direction of Call of Duty it continues to spiral, downwards, and they're doing this because they know they've lost the core player base they know that the player base isn't coming back without, extravagant changes, that they're not willing to make so this is their last Stitch effort they're throwing hail mares seeing what's going to stick to the wall so that can recoup some of their projections, because they were expecting more players to play this game they wanted more players to play this game but they never put the work in they never put the time or the effort forward so now what you get is you get segmented skins and bundles so that you get an reward for purchasing multiple bundles What a joke, but that's what Call of Duty is now; it is a parody of its former self, and in and of itself, it has become a complete and utter joke.

This is a very disappointing revelation that I came to today, and overall.

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