News - Warzone 2 Zombies: How To Beat Act 4 Solo (easy Guide)

You don't have to worry about that, and honestly, if you do my method, you might not even need a self-revive whatsoever, so now you have destroyed all four sigils. Now we are at the hard part. We are at the Ether worm, so it's now going to tell you to go back and exit the Ether Portal. When you go towards it, a big, giant worm is going to spawn right on the beach.

modern warfare 3 zombies how to beat act 4 solo

It's going to destroy all the other zombies. What you're going to want to do: I didn't do this right away, but you're going to want to throw down one to two sentry guns immediately. Just throw them down, and this is where the cheese comes in because what you're going to do is you're going to run back to the further back area.

You're going to go up a zipline here and find this little catwalk. Now why is this catwalk so important? Number one, the Ether worm can't grab you up there; number two, it won't shoot its laser at you up there; and number three, these little purple things—these orbs that spawn in and shoot you and run into you and deal a ton of damage—are going to be the main thing that kills you.

modern warfare zombies act 4

They cannot hit you up there; one or two might come at you, but they're very easy to kill when it's just one or two and they don't attack you up there. This may get patched, but as of right now, they do not attack you up there. So what this means is that you can just sit up there and unload, and on The Ether worm, just shoot and shoot and shoot and shoot, but what you're going to notice is that The Ether worm is going to go underground.

And he's going to regenerate his health once he goes underground, so we need a way to counteract that. That's where the RG comes in. That's where our rocket launcher comes in. As it turns out, if you take that rgl that we brought in and shoot it down onto the beach, it's going to cause the ether worm to pop back up.

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So as soon as he goes underground, you're just going to fire that RGL as much as you can until the point that he pops back up. You're going to pull out your main weapon. You're going to unload on him. You're going to try to hit the purple points because you do more damage to them all the while your sentry guns are blasting them with damage, and slowly, over time, you are going to eliminate the worm.


Now there's a couple things that I need to tell you. Number one: this takes time; he takes a lot of dam damage, I would say. 15 minutes is probably the longest that it'll take. I think it took me around 12 total, and I didn't fully know what I was doing for the first time, so you can definitely do this in like 8 minutes using this strategy.

Now, eventually, you're going to run out of ammo; that's a problem. However, there's an ammo cache down on the beach, so you run down and interact with the ammo cache. Run back up. You might have to take out some of those purple things, and the ether worm can come and eat you. It literally jumps in and eats you.

There's a way to counteract this as well. When it eats, you hold down your trigger because that's going to do damage to them. There is no problem with that. Just shoot them, and then you are going to spam your parachute button. So whatever that is for you, whatever controller or keyboard you're on, you're going to spam your parachute button because what kills you isn't being inside the worm; it's actually when he spits you out and throws you into the ground.

mw3 zombies

But if you spam your parachute button, your parachute pulls immediately upon coming out of its mouth, and you will float patiently to the ground. Come on, come on, come on, come on, it, woo, Solo. When you combine all of these, what are you doing? You were going in. You were going on that ledge.

You were unloading on him. When he goes underground, you are shooting your RGL onto the beach. He's going to pop back up. You do this over and over and over again. When you run out of ammo, you go down to the beach. You pick up more ammo, throw down another sentry gun, and go back up over and over and over again.

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Eventually, you're going to beat him. Now you might write it down once or twice. The more self-revivals you have, the better. The more sentry guns you have, the faster it's going to go. That's essentially the easiest way to look at it, but I promise you, it works. I promise you because I did it myself and it took me a while to figure out how, but we did it so.

mw3 zombies act 4

Hopefully, for those of you who are wondering how to do this solo and wondering if it is even possible, this should work for you. As I mentioned, it takes a lot of preparation. And you hop in, and then it is very easy if you do everything that I told you. Anyone is able to beat this mission, so that's what I like to do with zombies.

I like to go in and complete the missions on my own. I do all of them live so you can kind of see what I'm doing over there, and if you would like to see more guides and this kind of thing. I could do the full Easter egg so that you guys can see it solo. We are reaching for the stars, making this hard for you, and I wonder where you

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Today I will show you the easy way to beat Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Zombies Act 4 Solo Easily. This is the mission called Bad Signal. In this video I show you how to enter the dark Aether, summon and kill the boss completely solo. I hope you enjoy.
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