News - Warzone 2: What Is Actually Happening

Now I have no issue with celebrities, actors, media personalities, streamers, etc. Being in the game. I think they need to fit the Call of Duty aesthetic, though the Kevin Durant skin Fair looks like he's ready to go to war. The Snoop Dog skin could be a little bit better, in my opinion, but for the most part, it looks like he's ready to go and smoke as many people as he does weed.


Now Nicki Minaj's operator, she looks like she's about to start busting it down in the club. This [__] is trash if the Nicki Minaj skin fits the Cod image. I think it would be dope or even operators with animal traits. Obviously, we do have some currently in Call of Duty, but a damn bright yellow duck—that's ridiculous.

I get it. Microtransactions are a thing, and sometimes you have to put bright pink and yellow skins in the game to appeal to a different demographic. Two things: some of these skins are too cartoony and childish, and they look like they belong in Fortnite, which we kind of saw one of the Reddit users say a second ago.

I'm not a huge fan of that, necessarily. It seems like in the last few years, Call of Duty has been trying to take a few pages out of the Fortnite book and other games as well, not entirely being authentic and two to themselves. I'm not going to say they're pathetic, and I'm not even going to say there's anything wrong with it.

modern warfare 2

Another thing is that Call of Duty is rated M, so they are trying to appeal to a younger demographic. That makes me raise a brow. If you want to run around as a bright yellow squeaky duck and wear ear-to-ear pink booty stink Nicki baj ass skin that is on you, you are inadvertently putting yourself at a competitive disadvantage.

On the other hand, there were plenty of fans who defended the rubber duck skin in Modern Warfare 3, arguing that more light-hearted cosmetics are good for the game. Just leave people alone and let them have fun. If some dude's idea of fun is running around as a duck, so be it, said one reply before another one was added.

This may be an unpopular opinion, but I must prefer these goofy sely skins to the cringe-edge Lord Flaming Skull-type skins that are supposed to be cool and badass, although the reaction has been mixed with the rubber duck in Modern Warfare 3. It's unlikely that developers will stop relating new colorful skins to the store.

modern warfare 3

Leagues have hinted that The Walking Dead and Warhammer 40K crossovers could come down the line. If you like the content, I'll drop two more articles for you right here. Consider subscribing for more FPS gaming content, including Modern Warfare 3: Extinction and other first-person shooter titles. All y'all take care, and I'm

We are just a couple weeks away from Season 2, That being said, season 1 as a whole has been pretty interesting, especially the most recent season 1 reloaded update.
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