News - Warzone 2 Was Just A Beta For Mw3

black ops 4

Frost is here, and I hope you guys are doing well. The comment is that we just paid for beta for the last year. What that means is that Modern Warfare 2 was just a year-long beta for Modern Warfare 3. That makes a lot of sense, right? They tried some things with Modern Warfare 2; they tried a new perk system; they tried no red dots on the mini map; they tried to keep dead silence as a tactical upgrade or whatever it's called; they tried so many things, and all of those got washed away by Modern Warfare 3.

All of a sudden. Modern Warfare 3 was like,No, no, we're not doing any of this, and it feels almost as if that Modern Warfare 2 The project was an experiment for Activision to see how far they could push this community. Before we broke, we drew a line in the sand and said, That's enough. Unfortunately, we haven't reached it with the monetization.

The monetization is still overboard, and people are paying just obscene amounts of money. There's basically nothing in this game, and it's really disappointing and disheartening. But we at least saw a line in the sand when it came to content when it came to what they delivered, as many in this community felt insulted by what we got with Modern Warfare 2, not just the gameplay but the overall content.


It wasn't enough. Disrespectful and I think Activision found that out and they said okay with our next title Modern Warfare 3 we're going to fix all these problems we're going to make the game better and lo and behold, we played the beta, we saw what we got and frankly yeah, a better game, 100%, like Modern Warfare 3 is far better than MW2, it's solved a lot of Modern Warfare 2's problems not just with movement, not just with visibility of enemies, just the whole whack of things is far better than what it was in Modern Warfare 2 it also feels more polished and more complete than Modern Warfare 2 did think of all the bugs we had that lasted basically the entire year with Modern Warfare 2; those bugs don't exist in Modern Warfare 3.

Isn't it a little frustrating that something as simple as your death screen and Search and Destroy is actually functional in Modern Warfare 3 and just improves the quality of life? Or how about just the menus being somewhat better in Modern Warfare 3? I still think the UI stinks, but at least it's better than Modern Warfare 2.


And this is what bothers me so much: we spent $100 just to start playing the beta. And then, guess what? Over the year, you probably bought a battle pass. You probably bought some sort of cosmetic, so you spent $200, $300, or upwards of $500 this year just to play a beta. We've got to be better than that, but it's very clear to me that yeah, that's what Modern Warfare 2 was.

That was a game built on an AI system and an algorithm. Modern Warfare 3 is a game built out of passion. You can tell that the people who worked on Modern Warfare 3 cared for that project. The people who built Modern Warfare 2 couldn't care less. I know that Infinity W boasts 3, 000 developers.

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I think they just had 3, 000 computers that were working on that game, and they said this is what the community wants, whereas with Sledgehammer Games they probably had a few hundred, maybe a couple thousand, developers who actually worked on a passion project, actually worked on something they were proud of, because I don't know how you look at Modern Warfare 2 and think I'm proud of this game.

xtz ferocity

No, you can't be the game that stinks. It's a disgrace to this franchise. It was a game that was so hyped up, and so many people believed it was going to be the next big thing, and it fell flat on its face. It has a tough time maintaining a player base; it's nowhere near as big as what I believe Modern Warfare 3 is going to be.

I think the player numbers for Modern Warfare 3 are going to be much higher, and they're going to maintain that number for a lot longer because there was a massive drop-off in about January and February where people were like. Modern Warfare 2 has no content because, guess what? It was beta, and then Even more people left once all of the Activision nonsense came out with the xlabs thing and SM2 getting shut down, and now you have a fraction of the community remaining.

This isn't what Infinity Ward had planned; this is not what Activision had planned, but maybe they did. Maybe this was all part of an experiment that they were working on to see what the community was willing to put up with and what they were willing to tolerate. And they found out pretty quickly that they weren't willing to tolerate it, so they pivoted and made sure that Modern Warfare 3 fixed a lot of the issues, and we got the basic perk system back.

How was it that they didn't fix it all year long? Well, they didn't need to; they knew that it was going to be fixed in the next game, so they didn't need to fix it. Why did it take so long to make enemy visibility better? They didn't care; they were going to fix the next iteration. All of the major pain points for players outside of the UI and SP were adjusted from Modern Warfare 2 to Modern Warfare 3.

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They didn't want to change it to Modern Warfare 2 because it was a test build; it wasn't what the final game was going to be. We finally have the final game here with Modern Warfare 3. That's why all the MW2 maps are in the game. That's why you're able to import everything over; they're built off the same system.

Modern Warfare 3 utilized a ton of the assets from MW2, or the Modern Warfare 3 beta, to build their game. Obviously, they're never going to come out and say it, but they tried stuff; they experimented with things that didn't work, and they never went back on it because they knew they were going to fix it in the next iteration; they knew Call of Duty was going to change.

Of course, that's crazy when you think about it. We played a beta for the whole year. We expected more from this thing all year and never got it. We never got the massive changes. We never got the massive gameplay overhaul. We didn't see any improvements in movement. We didn't see improvements to anything that we asked for.

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We basically had none of this until Modern Warfare 3 was announced, where all of our pain points were now answered and all of our pain points were fixed. Why is it that it took them so long? Simply because they never intended to fix anything on Modern Warfare 2; they never wanted to because they knew Modern Warfare 3 was waiting in the wings; they knew that this experiment, this beta, was just the precursor to Modern Warfare 3.

I know this sounds like a conspiracy theory. I know this might sound outlandish, but I think there's evidence to prove that Modern Warfare 2 was just a beta for Modern Warfare 3. Unfortunately, we had to pay $100 to play the beta, and in some cases, you paid hundreds to play this beta because you were under the impression that it was a complete game, and that's disappointing.

Signs are pointing to MW2 just being a massive Beta for MW3 and c'mon Activision not cool. Thanks guys and gals for watching.
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