News - Warzone 2: Top 5 Fastest Ttk Rifle Loadouts. Warzone 2 Meta Weapons

Warzone 2 best ttk m13b loadout

Warzone 2 best ttk m13b loadout

Low recoil, and when you are landing those shots fantastic, ttk Now definitely the most surprising thing to me is that the M13 has the second-fastest TTKO over range; we're looking at an 881 millisecond at 770 meters, which is very impressive. This thing is really not all that great for close range or for mid-range, but then you get to long range and it just kind of takes over, which is very unique and also very impressive in and of itself, so this thing is certainly a top-tier option for that specific reason.

Here again, in the basic setup, we got the amount of V4 for this diet position faster. On those Tunes, there's a 60-round magazine here because the fire rate is so fast on this thing that you need the Max magazine. It's going to slow it down, but it's going to be well worth it if you're fighting multiple people at once or multiple squads at once, like you often are here in War Zone 2.

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Ripper under Barrel has better stabilization and better idle stability on these tunes yet again; no surprises there; we got the ECO of 80. Yet again, for the better velocity and better ad speed on these tunes. I go for the Bruin Echelon Barrel, which as you can see is for the better range, better velocity, and better control, and we're going to tune to maximize that basically better range and better steadiness on there as well, so this thing definitely took me by surprise.

Warzone 2 fastest ttk kastov 762 loadout

Warzone 2 fastest ttk kastov 762 loadout

I mean, the thing is probably unstoppable. Due to a Nerf, we'll have to wait and see, but this thing is seriously serious. Lethal so amop, V4 yet again, Tuned for that furthest eye position in the faster ads, rinse, and repeat 40. The run mag here is totally sufficient as an extended mag. We got the Ripper back under barrel yet again, tuned for better idle stability and better recoil stabilization.

We got the Kostovia suppressor in this case, which I like because it is still giving you some velocity, not as much as some other suppressors, but this is giving you better control, which other suppressors just don't do, so I really like that we tuned for that better velocity and better ad speed yet again, and then I go for the 584 barrel.

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