News - Warzone 2: Top 5 Fastest Ttk Rifle Loadouts. Warzone 2 Meta Weapons

best ttk warzone 2

What I want to focus on here today is the TTK within the rifles and the top five fastest killing rifles we currently have in a war zone.

Warzone 2 rifle ttk stats & breakdown

Warzone 2 rifle ttk stats & breakdown

2 so that starts us off here on Sim dot GG, which is the website where you can actually look at all this, and we've gone ahead and changed the health to 250, which of course is going to be the war zone health.

I have a handful of rifles here, so we're looking at things like the cast off the M13, the attack 56, the M4, and the Lochman's cast (545). I had the Chimera here, but it's more for close range; same deal as why you don't see the cast-off 74u on here; and the M16 was left off for obvious reasons, so we don't need to get into that; but I wanted to sit here and look at these TTKS and figure out, you know, what's the order here; is there a particular order?

It's a lot of flip-flops here and there as you go over range and get to new distances; certain weapons start to take over, which is really, really interesting. So, a couple of standouts initially. You also have other guns, though, that are surprising. The m13b, over long range, actually has the second fastest ttk, which I did not see coming whatsoever.

You know, the tag 56 is still up there in terms of one of the faster ttks, are purple line here, but it's not nearly as fast as you might think it is for being like the number two rifle in the game, and that's primarily because its recoilers are so easy compared to several of these options that, yes, while it doesn't have the fastest, you know, on paper ttk, in practice and realistically it's one of the best because it's just so easy to use and is so accurate, we end up getting a pretty distinct list here. The cast ends up dropping off here; it just doesn't seem like there's anything crazy in any of those given ranges there, and we've got five weapons here that all have very competitive TTKS, between the casts of the M13, the TAC 56, the M4, and the lockman , so now we can go through and actually break down the best setups and all the best tuning for the weapons.

Warzone 2.0 fastest ttk taq-56 loadout

Warzone 2.0 fastest ttk taq-56 loadout

The rifles here that have the fastest ttk out of the entire category, so the tag 56 as we saw was nothing incredible, didn't stand out a ton, but its accuracy helps there on paper this thing has an 847 millisecond ttk and 44 meters, which is pretty impressive for this game, then you factor in how easy it is to use and where you'll miss shots with this gun versus others, and it's one of the best choices in the game obviously, so this is the setup that I've been running lately that of course we've talked about, and I mean this thing is perfect for that mid-range area, you know, 40 meters, 50 meters, where this thing is really going to thrive.

It's got an iron sight and super-low recoil. I love the way it feels, and it's got the combat grip on here. This is tuned for slightly better stability and steadiness on top of the better control that you're already getting, so you'll love to see that 40-round mag just for basic kick mechanics. High-velocity rounds to help with that hit reg make it feel maybe a little bit more consistent here and there while we tune in for the better velocity and the better damage range on there Ripper.

It's my favorite under the barrel because it works well with the stabilization, will make your gun feel a lot more consistent in terms of recoil, and we tuned this for better stability. And better stabilization, per usual, then I also got the Harbinger 20 suppressor on there; this is for better range and better velocity, and I went ahead and tuned this for that slightly faster speed, then also better velocity as well, so this thing is going to be perfect for some mid-range and even some long-range if you can actually spot enemies and stay on target. It's very versatile in that sense, and one of my favorite setups.

Warzone 2 fastest ttk m4 loadout

Warzone 2 fastest ttk m4 loadout

right now the M4 looking at a 782. Millisecond, ttk at 45 meters, so a bit faster than the TAC 56 Now, keep in mind that this is maybe a little bit more bouncy in certain situations and is going to behave a little bit differently than the TAC 56.

45-round magazine, and you want to have that because the fire rate is a little bit faster here, so having that extended magazine is a nice safety net. We've got the Ripper under barrel yet again tuned for the same thing as before, basically better stability and better stabilization on there just to capitalize on the stabilization you're already getting with Echo.

This 80 suppressor, here gonna help out that range and that velocity as well obviously. All the builds here today are meant for medium- to long-range shooting as the primary factor in your loadout, so we want to capitalize on and emphasize those stats there. We tune this for better velocity. That's a slightly faster speed, then I go for the high-tower barrel.

This will slow it down quite a bit, but it's also going to make it super accurate, and it's also going to give you that better range and velocity. as well, which are just nice bonuses, and we're tuning for even better range and even better steadiness. The more the code gets used, the better the chance of our shaker cup returning or maybe one day even getting our own flavor.

Warzone 2 best ttk lachmann 5.56 loadout

Warzone 2 best ttk lachmann 5.56 loadout

Another gun that I'm pretty surprised to see here is the Lochman 556. I mean, this thing, just like the TAC 56, is, you know, nothing crazy in terms of a standout TTK; it does have an 823 at 55 meters, which is pretty impressive, but this thing is again so easy to use that you're going to land more shots with it consistently versus maybe some other weapons, and in turn, you're going to have a much better realistic TTK.

On top of the on-paper stats, which are already very good for this thing, here's a pretty basic setup just like the others, and the rifles are all pretty similar if you're going for the long-range build. Again, I go for the Schütze 3. 4 times in this case you could also go for a mod V4 if you wanted to, but this is solo recoil, so you can sort of get away with a higher zoom here and it still works fine, but optics is always a personal preference, for the side position slightly faster ads, per usual 40 rounding cinemag pretty basic there.

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Ripper under barrel yet again with the same tunes for better stability and stabilization, per usual with Echolus, 80 yet again here as well, and we tune in for that faster speed, the slightly better velocity once more, then I go for the 15.9-inch barrel. For what it's worth, there are a lot of decent barrels here from Nova's.

There are, like, yeah, plenty of options for better range and velocity, but this one gives you better control as well. It just feels the most consistent for long range, so we tuned for that furthest high position for better damage range, and yet again, you're good to go with this thing.

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