News - Warzone 2: The Perk System Is Broken. Huge Gameplay Advantages & Major Issues

modern warfare ii

This seems to be the case right now based on all the community reports and testing that I've seen done. The only way to have perks that actually work is to use the default classes in the loadout menu rather than your own custom ones. Of course, this means you'd be getting your default guns and you wouldn't be able to have your custom rpk, your custom for your custom sniper, whatever the case may be, so if you wanted those, you'd have to either go get a second loadout or get your loadout first with your custom guns, then go get a second loadout and choose a default class so your perks stay there, or choose the default class and go buy guns out of a buy station so you have your primary intended weapons and perks that actually work.

mw2 warzone

This entire system right now needs some major fixes and a lot of updates because it is completely RNG-based as to whether or not you can actually create your own custom perks or be forced to use presets, and then actually have those perks work in the game, obviously. They're a huge advantage when it comes down to it because loadouts are not easily obtainable this year, as mentioned earlier, so when you can have fast hands when you can have high alert when you can have double time and all this other stuff, it's impactful and it'll change gunfights, but right now it doesn't change gunfights because they don't work, so hopefully this article can help bring some attention to this issue and hopefully we can get some answers and some solutions soon because right now this entire system just does not make any sense whatsoever.

Peace, out, Hi.

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