News - Warzone 2: The New Meta Update. Warzone 2 Best Weapons After Update

You're going to get one shot the majority of the time, it feels like. For some reason, in the final patch note change here, we're going to adjust some other things as needed, but in the final patch note change, they just absolutely destroyed the riot shield. I mean, the riot shield is not a practical weapon to begin with; it's not competitive; it's not something you'd use outside of camo challenges or as a gimmick; and they went ahead and killed the movement; they made it an extra hit to kill; now it's a three-hit kill; so if you're going for gold with this thing, bless your soul; I'm so sorry you have to go through this nerfed version of it.

modern warfare 2 best weapons

Now they also nerfed the speed at which you can throw knife players with the riot shield out like this thing got, a hardcore nerf. At the end of the day, it's a niche weapon because you're only using it for very specific situations, so it's not realistically ranked on this list. If there were no niche category, this would be the garbage of the garbage tier; it'd be the absolute worst option here, so I don't know why they did that, but it is kind of funny and cruel.

Other meta updates and adjustments for mw2 multiplayer

Other meta updates and adjustments for mw2 multiplayer

Zach The M16 is not as bad as you're making it out to be. You're right, it's still bad. It's still not a good rifle, but it's better than garbage; it's usable after the buff, so yeah, it's more of an average gun at this point.

The M16 is not the worst thing in the world, and I'm still never going to use it again unless they break it in some crazy way, but it is better than garbage. You guys are right. I also think the voznev is deserving of going up to the absolute meta category. This thing, when built correctly, is fast and lethal; it's got a great ttk, but it's also one of the more speedy options that we have for SMGs, and I've really been enjoying that lately, and frankly, the tacv's power is so crazy that I gotta buff this thing back up to top meta or bump this thing back up to top meta.

modern warfare 2 meta

These buffs and nerfs are going through my head; this thing is like a three-shot kill; it seems like at all ranges with this ttk and multiplayer, so I mean, if you can control The recoil thing is utterly absurd. Third, and lastly, I mean the M4. It was G8 in comp for a reason: the thing is ridiculously good, and the Scar is sort of the go-to rifle right now in terms of mid-range, which obviously has a lot of fights here in multiplayer, so both of those consistent options All that being said, this is effectively how I see this meta, you know, sort of panning out as of right now: very diverse, even more so than in Wars, and where things are pretty solid because the tick is just so fast in multiplayer that so many weapons are usable, and that's why we have so few and average ones that you actually don't.

You've got a very long list of options there. So that being said, that's going to wrap things up for this one.

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