News - Warzone 2: The New Meta Update. Best Weapons Season 2

It's a great choice if you have the patience to use it, and now here's one that I'm excited to use. M got a fire rate buff and then also a damage buff. I had it in average before, despite the fact that it's so powerful because the rate of fire sucks, and they made that better, so it's definitely getting bumped up into competitive, and I don't think it'll go much higher than that unless it suddenly becomes wildly broken, but on a similar platform now as the Recon and the Lochman 762.

There are definitely noticeable improvements there, and then we get to a lot of the strange SMG nerfs, and frankly. I didn't see a lot of these coming, but hey, here we are, and the Voz Nev actually caught a slight nerf to its range. It's still going to be really good up close, though, so for that reason I think it's still a top-tier SMG.

modern warfare 2 best weapons

Just note you're not going to be able to shoot long range over it as effectively as before. Mini-Buck also; I saw several Buffs here that actually do make it a tad bit worse than where it was pre-season. That said, I still think it's a great choice for close range. You're not going to be able to three-point as often now, but it's still a great choice.

modern warfare 2 meta

Also, the large magazine capacity by default means you can spray and pray with very little knowledge of the consequences. There essentially, and then the fennec also saw that slight headshot nerf and damage nerf, but again, just not enough, like with the rpk they got nerfed ta, they didn't get nerfed enough no, they're not going to be dropping out of the top meta category unless they see some other significant nerfs here in the future, and then, in another kind of strange update, the signal got a nerf to its movement velocity and damage range, which I mean, sucks for the weapon, especially in Warzone, but in multiplayer, it's not going to be a huge drawback, and frankly, the snipers are very good choices in mp.

You just obviously have to play to their strengths; you can't be rushing around too much outside of a couple of them that are better for quick scoping, but it's not a terrible sniper by any means, you know, because this update is just not going to be as snappy as it was last season. So while we did see plenty of weapon changes, outside of the addition of the hemlock and the KV broadside, the sniper meta doesn't actually change all that much.

It's a meta-shifting update, so we'll have to see how this evolves throughout the course of season two. We know more meta updates are coming with the reloaded update, and maybe some surprise ones in between now and then. I'll catch you guys later. Peace

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