News - Warzone 2: The New Meta Update. Best Weapons After Meta Changes

modern warfare 2 meta update

It definitely takes a bit of getting used to, but its damage is nuts. It's one of my favorite weapons for multiplayer, so that's actually a little bit better. Squall also got a range buff, and I feel like this is probably worthy of being in the top-tier area now. It's probably been overdue to go there for what it's worth, but after it was significantly nerfed when it was like the crazy broken weapon, it definitely was lacking some, but they've fixed it in some areas now to make it a bit more competitive, and when you extend that range, obviously it's a bit more efficient, so 14 got that same range buff and it's going to be staying in the top tier, and then also the Lockman 762.

Got that same range buff as well, so all the battle rifles basically got buffed in the same way; they're all very strong, very solid, and a little bit higher recoil weapons for the most part, but if you can master them, you're going to be rewarded nicely. Now the shotgun's also got some changes here.

I mean, in multiplayer, these things are nasty, but they're still going to be shotguns, and at the end of the day, if you miss one shot with these, you're probably going to get fried by an SMG or a rifle, so those are going to stay competitive for me. The Lockwood is probably the closest to being on the lower end of this just because it's so limited in ammo, but if you land your shots, it's still going to be decent now that the MK2 got an 80s speed in the ad speed movement buff, so it's just more aggressive now but also in a similar fashion to the shotguns here.

modern warfare 2 meta weapons

Unforgiving if you miss a shot, so while it is super fun to quick scope and probably the best aggressive quick scope style weapon in the game because it's so unforgiving. I don't feel like it really can ever peak outside of competitive. Now, for whatever reason, they also buffed the Sab, which is insanely good for quick scoping and playing aggressively here, with better ad speed, movement speed, and a range buff.

Now it's going to be even better than it was before, absolutely. A top-tier gun and still one of the more annoying weapons to run into in the game because it's going to one-shot you up close and it's going to one-shot you at long range too. The thing is definitely solid. Another similar weapon is the SP, which also got a slight range buff, so it'll just be able to be a bit more effective.

modern warfare 2 new meta

It might have that extra shot, you know, if you're at a longer range, which is nice to see. Just another dominant, sniper-sort of marksman-style weapon, unfortunately the EBR got arranged by Nerf, which bums me out because I do really like the EBR. This one is probably borderline competitive at this point because it also has that slower fire rate, which might be a bit more unforgiving than some of these other options like the Recon, the SO14, and some of the other marksman and battle rifle-style weapons.

It's close there, but it also has so much damage and can be shot at, like, any range that I feel like it also stays up here if you're just the least bit accurate. This is another one that I'm a fan of. The HCR actually got a mid-range buff, so it'll be more effective there, and I feel like it's probably deserving of jumping up to the top tier.

It's a really low-recoil gun, very easy to use, and even for an LMG, it really feels like more of an LMG than an AR hybrid-style gun. While we're down here, I'm not sure why I have the RPK in competitive, but this is definitely a top-tier LMG2. It's also an AR-LMG hybrid just behind the 762, and now the wrap ended up getting a mid-range buff as well.

modern warfare 2 new meta update

This is already one of my favorite guns in the game; it's obviously super slow and super heavy, but if you just have your sights pre-aimed, no one stands a chance you're going to melt them, and now in that mid-range, it's even better. The Carrick got some buffs; they buffed its close range, which is weird because that's not where you're using the Carrick sniper.

Now, the signal got a close-range Nerf, but that seems like a pretty irrelevant Nerf because you're not going to be using the signal in close range, and then the last thing that we got was an SPX, a range Nerf, so that'll be a little bit less effective over range, but with MP, it's still super easy to go around in quick scope with this thing and land consistently, one-shot back to back to back to back, and I mean, as you can see with how multiplayer plays out, because the health is so low, the ttk is so fast.

modern warfare ii

Many different guns can excel here, whether they are low-skill like the mx9, the M13, the Lochman 556, the editor's point-and-shoot laser beams, or if they're higher-skill like the SO14, the attack V, you know, even some of the lmgs or snipers. In some cases, you can thrive with so many different options here, like there are very few guns that are unusable in multiplayer, which I guess is good, although personally, with that fast TTK, it also means that it's just going to be fry.

You know you could run into so many different guns and just get melted even if you have a better build and a more powerful gun just because they get a slight jump on you because there's so little time to react, but I mean, it's a healthy meta and that's an objective statement, and that being said, that's going to wrap things up for this one.

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