News - Warzone 2 Season 3 Battle Pass Operators & Skins Leaked. Snoop Dogg, Soap, More. Warzone 2

cod mw3 godzilla skins

The majority of battle passes will usually have TF41 or Coney members as part of them. We saw that with seasons 1 and 2, and maybe they're going to continue this with season 3. We do see other operators, but they only have one version, for example, Gaz Valeria. Far from price, all these operator skins might be available in the store because they only have one version of them or through an event, and remember, this list isn't final because it was leaked in season 2.

They might add more to it once the season 3 update itself is live, and we'll have a little bit more information on exactly which tf141.

New crossover season 3 battle pass operators

New crossover season 3 battle pass operators

Operators, and what exact skin variants they are going to have, but the next set of operator skins to expect are going to be with the Crossovers. We already see the Kong operator skin coming in at the end of this season, but we also saw the finishing moves, meaning Godzilla is coming in Shimu and Scar King, and one of those could potentially be available in the battle pass.

The rest could be available in store bundles.

Mw3 season 3 tier 100 operator

Mw3 season 3 tier 100 operator

One thing to take note of is that every single battle pass we've ever seen always has a main character that is very familiar; they're not going to bring in an all-original character and add them to Tier 100. It's usually someone we know of, whether they're coming in from the campaign's storyline or it's a crossover with someone big, like we saw Spike; everyone knows who Spike is; we saw Rick Grimes.

The majority of people know who Rick Grimes is. You know who Nolan is. He came in as a main character in the season one battle pass this time around because we don't have a main operator that was leaked from the campaign coming in as the Tier 100. It's more than likely expected to be a crossover operator skin that's going to be Tier 100, because if it's not someone people know of or looks really sick, they're probably not going to end up buying the battle pass, and I'm sure the crossover with The Walking Dead bringing in Rick Grimes in the battle pass will probably boost its cells tremendously.

cod season 3 battle pass

And that's probably going to be a pattern that they're going to continue going on, so more than likely one of these different crossovers will end up being a part of the brand new battle pass.

Season 3 blackcell battle pass

The final thing is a black cell. As you know, with Black Cell, it's just a copy and paste of all the other seasons that we've seen where they end up adding a black and gold version.

Of pretty much whatever operator skins are added, there's really not too much to explain. It's pretty obvious there's going to be its own black cell operator, and we have no idea what he's going to look like or what they're going to have. They usually come in with their own finishing move, their own weapon blueprint, and a set of cod points.

It's going to cost you $29.99. USD every single operator will have a variant. There's going to be weapon blueprints with Trace surrounds and effects, and yeah, once we get more information on the black cell.

Season 3 battle pass dlc weapons

Season 3 battle pass dlc weapons

I got you guys covered on that, but the next thing that I want to talk about is going to be the new weapons in the battle pass, so there's a couple weapons that have been leaked. The first weapon is the B27 AR, which was released in past Call of Duty titles like Advanced Warfare. It's going to be making a return here in this update.

The majority of the reason that we thought it was going to be an Advanced Warfare theme was because of the weapons coming in, and the second weapon we have is the sniper rifle, which once again also came in from advanced warfare, and apparently the last and final gun is going to be the MP9. These weapons, if they are available in the first part of season 3, are going to be available in the battle pass.

modern warfare 3 season 3 battle pass

It's just the standard way that they do things. If they only release two of them, then you can expect two of these weapons to be in the battle pass. The next one will be available maybe in the classified sector or through some sort of weekly challenge or unlock challenge that you'll need to do during the season 3 Reloaded update.

Season 3 aftermarket parts

Other than the brand new weapons, there are also aftermarket parts that have been leaked. To come in, the majority of them are usually available through weekly challenges, but sometimes they drop in around one or two aftermarket parts in the battle pass itself, so any one of these that has been leaked you can expect to be added.

Apparently mw2 weapons are also going to see some we have amps for, like the lever stock, we have a Jugger Break, we have a Mac 2068. R, and then the list just goes on, and four different MW2 weapons are also planned to have aftermarket parts. The M4, the M16, the KV broadside, and the Lockwood MK2 And this is going to be the first time that they've ever introduced MW3 aftermarket parts onto MW2 weapons, so chances are some of them are probably going to be extremely broken and might end up becoming meta, but once we have the exact details on that.

I got you guys covered.

Cod points, blueprints, zombie tools & more!

Cod points, blueprints, zombie tools & more!

The final thing that you can expect with every battle pass is going to be the other cosmetics that you get. For example, you're going to get Cod points, you're going to get weapon blueprints, and there's going to be other things like emblems and calling cards, zombie acquisitions, vehicle skins.

Double XP tokens, and more. Anyway, this is everything that we know so far in regards to the season 3 Battle Pass.

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And then on top of that. I hope you found it informative. It's been your boy trizo, and hopefully I'll be seeing you guys back on the channel again.

MW3 Season 3 Battle Pass Operators Skins LEAKED! Snoop Dogg, Soap, MORE! - Modern Warfare 3.
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