News - Warzone 2 Season 1 First Look: Early Gameplay Overview & Initial Impressions

I don't play it too much anymore, but good God, I got it smacked around in the two matches we played, and for that reason. For that reason alone, I didn't like it, but that's again absolutely not a fair assessment of the map; that's not something that is indicative of the map itself. Had I done better and been playing against people who were not literally top players in the world.

I'm sure I would have enjoyed it more, but the industrial warehouse aesthetic made for a solid, tense feeling in the atmosphere and environment. There's some cool jump spots and a cutout for a Crouch walkway that's good for flanking, and to the best of my knowledge, it was entirely symmetrical, so it shouldn't have any real favorite sides, which obviously is nice and what you want in a gunfight.

cod mw3 season 1

Additional modern warfare 3 multiplayer content to expect in season 1

Now beyond that, that's the original content we'll see, but also, can I throw in that we have like an array of more original maps coming because we have almost entirely reskinned and changed thematically Maps this stuff I don't think that I can put in article just yet that was embargoed for later on for some reason, but we have things like a holiday themed high-rise map, those Vortex maps of Satan's Quarry, tetanus, and spard.

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Honestly, they are insanely cool in terms of theme. I think that we might actually have a problem with visibility in Satan's Quarry. Any map that's darker in theme is going to blend right into, and every single shadow in Satan's Quarry Spore Yard is honestly like one of the coolest maps I think in terms of Skybox we've had that is like the dark ether and what we saw with Black Ops Cold War, but in Scrapyard, you have the spores all throughout the sky box that it just makes for a really dark and like bioluminescent.


I think that was a really fun game to play on Tetnus. I actually didn't get any chance to play on it, so I didn't get any real hands-on experience. Understanding of what that will look like in practice, but again, we have like four to five different map variations that, while they are the same base maps, feel incredibly different because of that atmosphere, which is cool, so that's something to add to the list as well.

The weapons to expect in modern warfare 3 season 1

The weapons to expect in modern warfare 3 season 1

Jumping on into the other stuff here again stay tuned for tonight for the second article going up we're going to be seeing a healthy number of weapons five total throughout the season but brief rundown here before we jump into them in depth later on down the line the ram 7 was kind of fun to play with a lot of Bounce and kick on the base, also the black cell blueprint kind of sucks in that pre-built Loadout so if you end up getting that make sure you end up ranking it up and changing those attachments out the xrk stalker lot of fun but really slow by default powerful as ever too didn't see the stat line for them but wouldn't be surprised if this is now a sniper used in war zone as well having the ability to one hit down the storm Ender this is an EMP launcher essentially so not for kills but for equipment, and then unfortunately the other weapons the HRM 9 and the T of valvie.

Gameplay changes coming in modern warfare 3 season 1

modern warfare 3

Those were both behind Armory unlocks, and in the build we had we just didn't have time to get those and they won't be there at launch or it seems that way anyway so that's something I didn't get any hands on with or any sort of Impressions to give you any idea of what to expect with that now beyond that we also will see General gameplay changes and this is like very highlevel, stuff in regards to what we were told about patch notes coming so there's going to be more to talk about for sure but we're going to have General weapon tuning the general gist of that was SMGs up rifles down a bit in our limited play time it did seem viable, but some of the targets they said were burst and that's understandable so that's something to consider riot shields are getting a Nerf for the turtle effects where you have them on your back with Overkill.

modern warfare 3 gameplay

But they buff them to be two-hit kill instead of three-hit kill, so they're still. I wouldn't say viable; I don't really ever consider the riot shield super viable for like 99% of gameplay engagements, but it's that tray off if you want to use the riot shield for the actual riot shield. It's a little better, whereas if you're using it just for protection effects, it's a little worse, so an up and down there as well as spawn tuning is something that there's going to be a little bit of, but they said the big targeted changes are coming with season 1 reloaded.

There's supposed to be a health and stamina bar, though, and I don't know if that was in our build or not. I didn't think of it in the moment when we were playing, but watching back the footage, it wasn't included in the HUD like it was mentioned to be, so we'll see if that is something that actually comes to fruition or if that's something that's like added a couple of days later.

modern warfare 3 meat gameplay

Vehicle adjustments didn't see it in action, but hopefully the sedan and stuff don't suck; that's something they said they were targeting fixing, and then optic tuning was something in the Q&A portion that came up that could potentially be something in the future; they said that they were looking to get that implemented for the game at launch, but it just didn't happen; it was one of those things; they just didn't have time to finish it out by scrapping tuning for the rest of the weapons but being able to adjust your optics to a near or far eye position.

I do think that of all the tuning effects, that's probably the one that I liked the most, and it wasn't the most arbitrary stuff, really. Yeah, tuning changed some things, but you didn't notice a lot of the tuning in the close and far eye positions. You absolutely did, though, so that was something that I'd like to see come back.

Modern Warfare 3 Season 1 kicks off Wednesday and today I've got a bit of early access multiplayer content to share. I wanted to start with my thoughts on Season 1 of Modern Warfare 3 and then later in the afternoon evening for our regularly scheduled content I wanted to bring you our standard "Weapons of the Season" video we normally do, but this time with actual footage early on which is nice instead of just screenshots for them all. But today I wanted to run down a general look at Season 1 and not only the content, but the information at hand in regards to gameplay changes and all.
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