News - Warzone 2 Review 3 Months

I honestly think it's gotten there. Worse, again i have to emphasize that quality over quantity every single time you throw a bunch of things in does not make your game good; adding a bunch of quality improvements makes your game better. I can't believe I've made it almost 8 minutes without mentioning the armory because those new armory challenges they introduced here in Modern Warfare 3 went over like a wet fart from day one, and even now, it's still just getting more bloat added to it, more attachments, more perks, and more equipment.

Why why do we have this? It is a bad system. It has been a bad system, and they've made no improvements other than letting you earn armory credits, or whatever they're called, from winning games. That's literally the only improvement they made. They didn't try to get rid of it; they didn't try to modify it so you could just save your credits to buy the things you actually want.

No You have to go through the tedious process of looking through every single weapon's 97 different attachments for each attachment type and figuring out which ones you want to unlock. It's a tedious process. Simplicity wins over this, unfortunately. From what we've seen, lo and behold, Call of Duty loves to overcomplicate things for no reason whatsoever.

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They also love lying to their community; they also love not following through on promises, and that hasn't changed. So overall from day one of Modern Warfare 3 to now 90 days into the game's life cycle, I don't think much has changed; there have been some improvements for sure. That needs to be stated, but overall.

The game has not made the type of strides you'd like to see with three months of data and feedback. The main issues that played the game on day one are still very present and haven't been addressed in a significant way. Matches still feel extremely scripted; every single encounter seems scripted; it almost feels as if I'm battling an algorithm over an actual opponent, and this leads to the overall experience feeling like I said earlier.

Inconsistent—that's all I can say three months into this game's life cycle: it's plagued by inconsistencies. Now, hopefully, over the next 3 months, they will start to get consistent in their communication and get consistent with their feedback. Get consistent with what they're trying to present to this community, and they have to make some major improvements when it comes to things like the spawns, the servers, the connection, and the matchmaking, and overall create a better, more welcoming space for players because right now as it stands, it just isn't good enough.

And that has been their MO for quite some time. Let's release subpar games and just hope that players will still spend money on them. And that's what they've been doing, so that's where we're at three months into this game's life cycle. It's a midgame that has a lot of things you can buy—the old quantity over quality thing—and that's what is biting Call of Duty in the behind right now, in my opinion, but those are my thoughts on this game 3 months into its life cycle.

I'd love to hear your thoughts. Do you think that Modern Warfare 3 has improved over the last 3 months? I'd love to hear your thoughts.

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