News - Warzone 2 Is Indefensible

I guess it's my own fault for purchasing the number-one-selling first-person shooter franchise and expecting it to work as advertised, jokes on us, expectations are a little too high. I guess I guess this community is just a little too hard on this development team, a little too hard on the publishing team.

I guess we all need to get a grip and touch some grass too bad it's snow outside and snow is cold hold on my hands. Okay, but that's not the point I'm trying to make. The point I'm making is that if you were sitting there and you're on the Activision side, you are the problem; you're the reason why the gaming industry is crumbling before our very eyes and why we're seeing a decline in quality and an increase in monetization at every single turn.

You are the problem, and the funny thing is that when GT 6 releases to go back to that, you will realize what true game design is, what true game development is, and what people that are passionate about a project and are allowed to be creative and innovative can create, because GTA isn't going to have all this phony monetization as a part of it.

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Yeah, there might be monetization aspects, but Rockstar allows itself to tell real stories and to allow people to be immersed in their gameplay. Instead, with Call of Duty modern-day Call of Duty, there's zero immersion. Why would you get immersed in an experience? That is a collaboration of non-stop nonsense across the board.

Every new skin breaks the immersion just a little bit more, to the point now that I don't even know what franchise I'm playing because it certainly isn't some sort of military shooter. I'll tell you that much. You should just scrap the name Call of Duty and call it generic. Shooter, that's what you should do, but the thing is, Call of Duty at least has name recognition.

You've done something, right? But after that, you failed at every other turn. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 is a complete and utter failure. That simple. I don't have anything else to say; this game is a failure, and it's a failure because the franchise is being directed in the wrong direction of the gutter because too many people are supporting the increased monetization, tactics that have equated to no increase in.

Quality is what it comes down to, and nothing's going to change until we come together as a community. Nothing is going to change until we finally decide that enough is enough, so what's our breaking point? Revenue, and the unfortunate thing is that they could scrap all their algorithms and go back to what made them famous back in the day: what worked for them during Modern Warfare 2: 2009 Black Ops 2 has all of those great things, and I guarantee there would be an increase in revenue because players like myself would be a little bit more inclined to buy the battle pass.

I don't know what we're doing here, guys. Soon before we end, I'm sure they're going to bring Titans or mechs into this game because that's what the kids want; that's what the old kitties want. Want Call me out of touch; call me too old for this franchise; call me an old man yelling at Clouds. I don't care; it all needs to be said that the current state of Call of Duty is unacceptable.

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It's indefensible that you are allowed to have fun playing Modern Warfare 3. I don't want to take that away from you, but you cannot defend the direction of this franchise, simple as that. That's how I'm going to leave today's article.

With Season 1 Reloaded disappointing players there's nothing left to be positive about. Thanks guys and gals for watching.
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