News - Warzone 2 Best Snd Class Setups & Settings Season1. Warzone 2 Search And Destroy Class Guide

modern warfare 3 search and destroy

We got that Uzi gang baby; we got the WSP 9; this class setup has not changed on the last article because I still love using this SMG, and I really like my class setup on it, and I stand by it. We've got the WSP Optac Long Barrel, the Mark III reflector, and the 40-round mag. The Marauder grip and then the WSP, factory stock, and as always, if you want some longer range for this weapon, take off the 40-round mag and throw that conversion kit on, because the conversion kit is disgusting.

In my last class article, I said that I hope they buff the striker, aka the ump45. And I'm so happy to announce that they did, and it's disgusting again, like it wasn't the beta. This SMG has been my favorite to use as of late. We've got the striker Recon long barrel, the shadow strike suppressor, the DR6 hand stop, the Nar model 2023, the optic, and then the Sakin ZX grip.

As far as the actual class setups themselves, they've changed up a little bit. The camit secondary is still 100% the thing to run. The camit secondary is that it's the best secondary in the game. The knife is very good in this game. The caramate also has the maximum movement speed you could possibly have, so run the caramate.

modern warfare 3 search and destroy class

A lot of people don't realize the caramate is, in fact, faster than the gutter knife, so keep that in mind. Always use the camit, not the gut, and the camit has faster movement speed and lethal attacks. We got the stung grenade and the frag grenade. I swap out the stun for smoke depending on the map that I'm on, but as far as stun shots go, I kind of just stop using them.

They're still just not that great in this game for healing yourself; they're great for rushing, but not as much because of the way the animation is. So overall, it really depends. Every once in a while, I have a map that I'll use a stem on for rushing, but for the most part, I'm using a stun every single lobster on this game, accompanied by a frag grenade or a thermite.

modern warfare 3 season 1

Please stop using them. I'm tired of it. I feel like every lobbyist has a riot shield now, and it's actually really aggravating. I hope we see a riot shield. Soon they've tried nerfing them a little bit, but it obviously wasn't enough because I see them constantly and they feel like they are just really It's really hard to kill in this game if they have the shield up.

Now this is where things get interesting. I have gotten asked about the covert sneakers we obviously have on my articles recently. I might even end up making a whole article dedicated to this one piece of equipment, but we have the Dead Silence field upgrade, and I keep getting asked why I am running covert sneakers and dead silence well covert sneakers we obviously have on all of our classes to keep our footsteps silent.

Period that's what we're running. The reason I'm running dead silent is because there's been a change in my classes since they buffed EOD. I'm now running EOD instead of Ghost because EOD will save me from nades here and there and Ghost will keep me off the radar. Well, we're running EOD, so now that we're on the radar, how do we fix that dead silence field upgrade?

modern warfare 3 snd

A lot of people don't know this, but dead silence actually works doubly. As Ghost in This Game says, it works just like the ghost perk does: if you're moving with dead silence on, you won't be on the radar, so when people call on UAVs, if I have an assault rifle. I just shoot the UAV down, but if I don't have a chance to shoot the UAV down.

That's why it's not double-silent footsteps; it is simply to keep me off the radar if the enemies call a UAV. Finally, with my classes, we got cover sneakers for EOD and then Marksman gloves for all of my assault rifle classes. Marksman gloves reduce your Idol way and they reduce your Flinch, while on ads, they just give you better long-range potential out of your gun if you're being shot at.

Marksman gloves are great for those long-range classes. Now, as far as the SMGs go, my class setups are exactly the same except for running Quick Grip gloves because, if you guys watch me play. I like to throw my stuns and nades very quickly off my Rush routes, and having quick GP helps with that.

modern warfare 3 snd class

I also tend to rush so quickly that I don't have time to reload, so I'll just pick up an enemy weapon off the ground and use that, and being able to have the increased weapon swap speed is very helpful for doing that. Moving on to my settings, I actually have some controller settings for you guys as well in this article since I've actually been playing controller quite a bit lately.

I've actually been using it quite a bit. I did it in a recent CDL tutorial that I did, and I also have been running controller and pubs quite a bit, just kind of swapping back and forth, trying to get good with both inputs again because I used to play on controller, but the last few years I've played on keyboard and mouse, so I've kind of just been trying to play both and have fun with both lately, so I've got settings for both in this article.

modern warfare iii

For my keyboard and mouse people, I run 800, DPI. For those wondering, I'm just going to go ahead and just turn off my face, turn on my mic, and scroll through all of my settings. I say this in all my articles, but I'm a strong believer that as far as settings go, there are only like one or two that you like and need to have on everything; besides that, it's pretty much a preference thing, so I'm just going to show you guys my settings from my setup and what I like to run, and you guys can look at whatever you want to look at.

All right, Squad, that is it for the article. Those are my classes and settings from Modern Warfare 3 season 1: Search and Destroy. I will update this article again next season.

Modern Warfare 3 Best SnD Class Setups Settings Season1! MWIII Search and Destroy Class Guide.
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