News - Urzikstan S01 Audio Patch. Warzone Best Audio Settings


Hi, YouTube Art is here again with another audio article. I know back so soon, but Raven surprised us this morning with another update, and this one was really focused on audio, so I ran home from my appointment, fired up the game, and I started testing again. I played some pubs to get some hands-on testing just to see initially what changed, and then I was able to get Q sniped by my moderator.

Kyle, shout out Kyle. We hopped right back into the same place in the last article, and we tested a bunch of stuff you'll see here in the clips coming up. I cycled through a bunch of different audio, and I'll be sure to label on screen what I'm on. I'm cycling between a stock stereo device that most people are using, a stereo device with loudness EQ enabled on it, and then, of course, my Hi-Fi cable configured with all of the magic from the previous articles, and I was able to test all of those with the same occlusion problems with somebody running above me sliding above me in all those different audio configurations and test it while shooting, which is a really important thing while you're firing your weapon.

7.1 surround sound

You want to be able to hear people approaching you. That's a strong suit of my tune that I will touch on here in these clips, so let's get into those, and then after that, I will cover a couple other specifics: absolutely, untrue. Gunshots through footsteps are so opportune, so I think there's a pretty clear difference, especially when you're talking about firing your weapon and listening to things around you.

What is the winner there? But I'll let you all decide. On a couple of sides. I did test true versus false in the config file again; it didn't really seem to help, and I did really kind of sit down during this session and compare home theater versus PC speakers in the in-game preset. And as much as I hate to admit it and kind of hate how crowded it is, I heard substantially more footsteps on the PC speaker.

Also in this article, you can see me switching between all of these different audio tracks. You can also see the list of devices. This is going to be part two of my updated articles, so now that the audio tune seems to be kind of moving back in the direction of where War Zone 2 was. I am going to start and finish working on the complete updated guide so that y'all won't have to jump through all of the hoops of all the different articles.

art of war

So you know when I upload that article, subscribe, and click the bell. So you know, when I upload that article, Parts two and three will cover hardware options to control that tune and how it would help you with general use on your PC or as a content creator. I did want to show one weird clip that we tested on a game where we didn't get the loot chest spawn in our regular building.

We went to a different building, and we found this really weird spot where you just couldn't hear someone above you, so I do think the audio map might be chocked. Keep in mind that none of this testing included the Flex Perk. I was running high alert just to be sure. But this building is very, very broken, so I think it's just going to take time for them to refine it and get caught.

art of war audio

Pretty big difference. Being able to hear through the bullets you shoot is so crazy. Now, lastly. I don't really think dry testing is really that useful to people that play the game; it's useful for me to find out where to go with the tune, but for people that play the game, they want to see the gameplay and they want to see if it works in a real-world scenario, and also for my testing, does it work in a real-world scenario where things get crazy?

I'm going to show some clips here. There are still moments where I'm just missing people's audio entirely. But I mean, if I were to give it a percentage, it feels 80% better than the release, so a really huge shout out to the audio team at Raven. Y'all killed it for this crunch for the holidays, and I can't wait to see what y'all bring us in 2024.

Stock audio is much better than it used to be, and EQ still works kind of like it used to, but I am going to sing my own prayers here. I think my tune works really well for the very reason that, one, I don't have to think my footsteps are somebody else's that screams at me all the time, and two, I have ADHD.

art of war warzone audio

And when there's a lot of sound going on, like my gun and my footsteps, I get overwhelmed and confused. One less thing to worry about is one less thing to worry about the fact that I can hear somebody climbing up a ladder and zipping up on me while I'm firing my weapon, which I saw in this gameplay.

Clips is just so busted, so I really like my tune. The loudness EQ is helpful. Absolutely, it's way better than stock, but we're a bunch of sweaty gamers and we like Max Min, so I think selfishly, my tune is at the top of that Max Min scale. Stay they had to kill him. They had to kill him. I should have just rotated my God.

He's just going to die in Zone. Watch for movement. That gun kind of sucks the bruin. It's like shimmies. I don't know. no, they're going to choke me. They're going to choke me. He's going to get spit on. You were close, so until the next article, which will be the updated complete guide where I walk yall through the setup, I will catch yall later.


Turn those notifications on. I'm live a lot over on Twitch. TV/_ isore warar, and keep an eye on the channel as well, because after the new guide and before part two we will be releasing special War Zone filters, so until the next article. I'll catch you all later. Peace.

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