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deadly knit

I either missed some challenge notifications or they just didn't pop up when I completed a challenge in game, so I ended up getting way more dg58 kills than I needed, and I could have put those kills towards my wall by killing kills to finish that challenge in the same game. I also spent more time doing contracts because I thought I needed to farm more kills for my dg58, which I didn't even need to do when I could have been spending that time farming X fills and getting insta kill powerups for my snowball kills because, from prior experience.

I get like one to two power up drops per x fill, whereas I don't seem to get power ups that frequently when I tend to play the game normally. If it does happen to take more than one game to complete the challenge, the good news is that the snowballs do carry over if you do extract them, so you'll load them into the next game with them on your person, so you can run over to an xfill like I did and finish that challenge pretty quickly.

I hope this little mini-guide helps out some people. You know, I had some friends I was playing with the night this event went live, and they've been playing for a couple hours, and they're like men. I just finished this challenge. I had a couple more to do because they were playing multiplayer.

dee similar

I'm like, man, what are y'all doing? You can just play zombies and get these done in an hour, so I wanted to put this article out there and hope that it helps some people. I've actually been putting out a lot of tips and guides for Modern Warfare 3 this year, some of which you can check out on the screen right now.

If you're looking for something else to watch, yeah, that'll be it. You realize you have choices for

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