News - Top 5 Most Overpowered Guns "after Update" Warzone 2. Best Class Setup Warzone 2 Season 5 Meta

You should be good with the recoil settings; don't worry about anything other than that. Just get some around five, and then it's pretty solid. The TV Cardinal stock for the stock now gives us aim walking speed and sprint speed, and I mean, there's a stock right here. If you guys have it, definitely go ahead and throw it on.


I need to get my attack M to level 20. I don't have this unlocked, but you have Sprint speed. Crouch, movement speed, and even ads—I would probably run this rather than the TV Cardinal, but like I said, I don't have it unlocked, so for the time being, I'm running the TV Cardinal. It does look like it bounces all over the place, but it still stays on target, so I wouldn't worry about that too much.

Yeah, it's going to look bouncy and stuff, but it still hits the shots really nicely. It's a good class. I did change it up just slightly, though I will say that okay, I did change it up slightly, but yeah, it's not the exact same class. The RF Crown 50 is for horizontal and vertical recoil control.

If we take this off, the gun is just going to be all you're going to be missing shots like you, so you have to throw this on definitely. Point 36 for ads and recoil control at Point 12, then we got the 11.5-inch carbine shroud for recoil control shroud. Hey, the lockman shroud's coming in the game is that little tease right there.

kastov 762 mw2

I don't even know. I don't even know anyway. Recoil control HIPAA, recoil control, and bullet velocity You can never go wrong with those right there. Recoil setting this at 0.37, ads, At 0.35, just get them both at 0.35. If you really have to, that's not going to be too bad. I mean, tuning is great on a weapon, but everyone treats tuning like the end-all.

It's not like your gun could still be pretty good without tuning, or if you miss a tune here and there, now we got the 45-round mags on if you don't like this because it takes away movement speed, reload quickness, and smart to fire. Take it off. Just simply take it off and switch it out for the laser.

I think it's Olay. Yeah, the Olay is right here for ads aiming for stability and Sprint to Fire, and then tune in for ads and Sprint to Fire, obviously, and that's if you don't want this now. The gun is a little slower with this, but I will say that. This laser, right here, does not take away any recoil.


The ammo does take away recoil, so it's not too bad. It's really not bad at all. Then we got the x10 grip for the rear grip for Sprint to Fire and ad speed. This does take away recoil control, but I mean, hey, yo, we got to lose some of it, right? We have to lose some of it, for sure. We need that ad speed up, which is going to be at 0.45, and for Sprint to Fire again, you can max it out.

You just scared me. My cat here has a shorter face. Okay, kind of okay inside. I don't want to hurt anyone or anything. The type is P80. Strike stock for sprint speed; aim for walking speed. The tuning is going to be ads at 2.71 and 1.08. For aiming for idle stability anyway, man, that's it.

If you guys enjoy these classes, go ahead and copy them, use them, and do what you have to do with them. It's season five, reloaded. Go enjoy stuff and get the new guns. Drop a like before you go sub to the channel; it's only turned on. Go enjoy the season, and I'll catch you guys in the next

SEASON 5 RELOADED IS FINALLY HERE in MODERN WARFARE 2! Today we will be looking at the TOP 5 MOST OVERPOWERED GUNS in COD MW2 Multiplayer AFTER UPDATE! You can use all of these Best Class Setups in Warzone 2 as well. This is the new meta in season 5 reloaded.
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