News - Top 5 Meta Assault Rifle Loadouts Dmz. Warzone 2

The only thing I didn't like was this 45-round mag because you go through rounds real fast with this. I'm not good with handles, you know; I just can't handle them. What are you aiming at me for? He's got a rocket. Go get him. He's got a shotgun. You can take him out with a rocket. You got this slow and slow.

He's behind in the room. He went running. He went all the way, running to the back. He got all the way to the back. Yeah, got all the way run to the back, yeah. Go, finish him. You got him. Go get me.

Bonus weapon

Bonus weapon

All right so for a bonus weapon, I had to include the tag 56, just because it is a very good all-around weapon. You can use it with a sight; you can use it with iron sights; you can use it as a sniper support; you can use it for long range; there's just so many different things you can use with the T56.

I'm going to show you two different builds that I'm using. I still enjoy using Tech 56, and it still decimates bots and players, so what I'm going to be running is the echoless, 80.17.5. Tundra Pro Barrel damage range, hip fire accuracy, and bullet velocity 5.56 High Velocity rounds, 60 round mag, and without a sight.

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I'm running the FSS combat grip for recoil control, which makes this thing quite the laser. The other way you can run it is to keep your muzzle, keep your Barrel ammo, and magazine, take off that rear grip, and put on a site, and this thing can be used for a little longer range. Still beams, tuning for the tag 56 will be above Here is a little bit of me using the weapon.

cod warzone

I did use a thermal because it's nighttime, so you can change the site out if you want to do something with which you're comfortable. One, all right. With that being said I know there's going to be some people that are like well why didn't you put this weapon on here these are just the choices that I would use in the DMZ and like I said I was looking at Stats I was going in game testing them against bots and players we don't have damage numbers on bots so these are the weapons that I feel performed the best against bots and players, so if you have something else that performs better and you know go ahead and use it I mean I'm just here to help out where I can so these builds hopefully will help you guys out if you are interested in seeing any other articles definitely check out these articles on the right and left and get ready cuz we are going to be heading into MW 3 with campaign here this week and.

cod warzone 2

MW3 next week, coming out on November 10th, we're also going to be giving away quite a bit of stuff, so make sure you're there at the live stream on November 10th.

These are the weapons I'm using right now in DMZ to decimate the competition.
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