News - Top 5 Meta Assault Rifle Loadouts Dmz. Warzone 2



Today we're going to be looking at what I believe are the top assault rifles right now in the DMZ. And this is damage for bots and players, so some of you might see that you're thinking, hm, you know, these are really good against players, but I'm not going to select them because they're not so good against bots.

We don't necessarily have damage numbers on bots, so it's just basically me going into game testing, and the bot format for this article is taking down bots faster. These rifles that I'm going to be using in this article are going to be the ones that I feel are doing the most damage to players, and the bot format for this article is going to be that we're going to basically show a weapon, and then I'm going to show a little bit of gam playay so you can see how it takes down bots and takes down players.

The weapons that I'm going to be presenting are also going to be very easy to use. The builds are all right—really quick. We are here with true game data. This is War Zone numbers, but this is where I started with figuring out which weapons I wanted to look at, and if you look down here for time to kill, two of the weapons we're going to be looking at are the STB and the castoff 545.

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They have a very quick time to kill, and they're also decent at killing bots. So those are two of the weapons we're going to look at, and I will have time stamps.



Okay, so this is the build I am running on the STB. I am running the EOLAs 80, which needs to have sound suppression, but it's also going to give me bullet velocity damage range and recoil smoothness, which is really nice. I actually prefer the echoless 80 over the harbinger, D20. Just because there's a lot less negatives on the echoless 80 when you look at the stats in true game.

For the barrel. I'm going to run the FTAC. Fb20, which gives me recoil control, bullet velocity damage range, and hip-fire ACC accuracy. I am also going to run the FTAC Ripper, which is going to give aiming idle stability, hip fire accuracy, and recoil stabilization. This is going to make this weapon very stable; anybody can pick it up with very minimal recoil.

cod dmz

I'm not going to say there's none because there's always recoil on these weapons, but as little recoil as possible because the recoil patterns are crazy with these weapons; they're never the exact same. Then we do 42-round mag, and I run the aim op before the op sck, but you can put a different one on there if you want.

You can take this off and maybe put on something like high-velocity or overpressurized ammo. It's really up to you if you can deal with the iron sights on this weapon. I am going to put the tune attachments up so that you can see where those are. That way, I don't have to go through all of them, and I'm going to show you a little bit of the gameplay of me running this.

Weapon: As you can see here, it does take down bots very quickly. The problem with the STB is the limited mag size, whereas the other guns have 60 rounds. This gun only has 42 rounds, which means that you have to be careful with your ammo, and that's why it's a little iffy to use it, even though it does do quite a bit of The next weapon—I'm actually kind of shocked to be on this list because it just felt like it shot marshmallows.

cod mw2

The time to kill was just there with this weapon, but the weapon that I'm talking about is the M4, yes. I really did not like this weapon for the longest time just because I would use it, people would recommend it, and I'd just be like, man. I would get an engagement and lose just because it's just that it does not have the damage output, but now with all of the Nerfs to all these other weapons, this M4 has actually come out pretty high up.

What we're going to do is we're going to put on the echoless 80, and you're going to find that a lot of the weapons have this echoless 80 on them. Also, we're going to do the high tower 20-in barrel for recoil control, damage range, bullet velocity, and hip fire accuracy, putting on the ftac. Ripper, 45-round mag; you can put the 60 on if you want.

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I did the 45 because for me it has enough damage, and this way I have a little more mobility and a little more handling, so if you feel like you're not getting enough done with 45 rounds, go in here and put the 60 round on, and then of course the amop V4 optic your tuning is going to be up here at the top, and I'm going to show a little bit of gameplay with this.

There were a couple of crazy interactions that I feel I should have lost with this weapon, and I managed to somehow win, so this weapon is definitely one that you can use in DMZ against bots and players. All right, so it performed very well against operators there, I will say.

Kastov 545

Kastov 545

Right next, we're going to be looking at the castoff 545. This is actually one of my favorites to use in DMZ, and the attachments are as follows: We have the echoless 80; of course, I've been using that on pretty much everything—FTE Ripper, 56.

On this one, we have the high velocity to increase that bullet's velocity, a 60-round mag, and then this is another optic you can use. If you don't like the AOP V4, you can use this SZ recharge DX. It has a pretty decent sight picture on it, and it's pretty much like the APO V4, just maybe a little clearer, so that's another option.

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If you don't want to run the V4, the tuning is going to be right up there at the top, and we're going to get into seeing this gun in action. Okay, my fourth choice would be the M13, and it did get a couple of Nerfs recently, but it is still a solid weapon for bots and players in DMZ. I used it just a little bit, and I was wrecking with it, so I might actually go back to using it.

I actually have a couple of them in my insured slots, so the build that I'm going with I'm using the harbinger D20, and you can if you want go with eolas 80 you'll have a little more handling and Mobility like I said but I went with the harbinger D20 so I have a little better recoil, control, the bruan echelon 14inch bruan Echelon, damage range, your high velocity and re recoil control not worried about hip fire accuracy because this is going to be more at range, your high velocity, for the ammunition 60-round mag, and then the SZ recharge DX optic on here.

I will be putting the tune up here at the top, but you can see I'm also rocking the serpentine camo, and I really hope that they fix it, but I don't think that's going to happen since DMZ is about done. Down, one's full kill , my last weapon.

Tr76 geist

Tr76 geist

I kind of went back and forth, so I'm actually going to give you two weapons, but the first one is the tr76. Guist, and I actually did not mind this weapon; it actually performed very well against bots and players alike. As you can see here, I'm using the P fire's bruan Bridal Heavy, the ftac Ripper 56 45-round mag, and the aim op 4.

These are the weapons I'm using right now in DMZ to decimate the competition.
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