News - This Sniper Build Dominates Warzone Solos

warzone amr loadout

This is another reason I love playing with the sniper. People absolutely hate this by the way that you can just, you know, medal in other people's gunfights with this sniper. I think it's brilliant. I think it's a great play style because you're not making yourself an obvious threat, but if you can be good with your shots, you damn well should get the kill like you deserve it if you can land the shots at long-range head shots, at least if you can land the head shot with the cat.

And you get down. You know, it's not easy to do, guys. It's really not easy to get those one-shot head shots every single time. You see, a lot of the time I'm breaking armor I'm doing, like body shots like upper chest things like that. It's not easy to get that one-shot head shot every single time, but with this sequence of events right here, I'm not really.

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I did take down the guy, but I didn't get the finish. Guys, there you go. Armor breaks on that guy while he's pummeling the other guy behind the pylon. Moving here, the guy behind the pylon wins the gunfight. And then I mop up the. Pieces, one of the guys at least knew I was there the second guy dougy Doug that I just killed he definitely knew that I was still up there because he ran away from me he parachuted off the hill a couple of minutes before and the other guy in the in the black outfit I'm pretty sure that was the guy that was in the fire station earlier on in the round as well, so both of the guys knew I was in the area and I ended up benefiting by one of them killing the other and then I pick up the pieces can't say fairer than that was pretty good, play, gas is inbound marking a new safe zone so I've moved into the low town here it's not my favorite spot this especially for sniping, can be quite difficult there is a player down on that green marker they've been firing unsuppressed shots and I've picked up a comm's vest so I now have like the bird's eye feature.

I'm making a move across the river because I think this is where the circle's going to pull, but I'm actually wrong. See that Tracer there? Yeah, it's gone. There's someone else sniping at this guy from a different angle. Angle those tracers, by the way, have a huge balancing feature for the snipers.

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The huge balancing feature marks the target. Get the armor break there on that guy. See what I mean about getting the one-shot head shot versus the armor breaking it? But it would be quite difficult for me to get a moving one-shot head shot on that guy. I need to aim a little bit higher. I could probably do it, but it would be just about as much luck as it was skill, whereas the guy that's standing still on the rooftop.

I mean if you're standing still on a rooftop with a sniper, unless you're lining up a shot, which maybe he was, but in those examples, you deserve to get one shot headshot if you're running and moving and you get one shot headshotted. Well, that's just part of the game. Really, that's just part of the game.

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The only thing is that somebody's got to follow up on that shot, moving here. Yeah, those tracers on the snipers are a huge balancing feature. If someone just follows the Tracer and looks the other way nine times out of 10, you can get the general area of where the sniper might be, and sort of maybe half to 2/3 of the time you're probably going to spot the player that's firing that sniper rifle.

warzone best sniper build

I think it's a great balancing feature, and I'm a big sniper fan. I don't mind the fact that it's in the game. So I thought this was a good spot to be, but right on the edge of the zone with movement going back towards the southeast. I was not quite as confident on that one, and you're going to see a nice little gameplay moment here.

This guy is coming; his armor broke, and I didn't get it. Finish, always with the trusty thermite; I love the thermites; honestly, it's like my it's like my classic branded feature of my War Zone gameplay. I'd say we're still on the low side of this circle; there's a lot of air space further beyond.

warzone katt amr

G, and that Counter UAV has just. Disappeared, got the down on that guy just didn't get the finish cuz of course he's got a sell for us but that's one thing in solos again I see a lot of people just sort of hanging around in the sky sort of trying to have a look and see what's going on all I can say is don't stay stationary when you're parachuting just like strafe one way strafe the other do some circles cut your parachute reenable your parachute just to make you a harder target to hit.

I think there's a guy; this is the guy on the roof. This is the sniper hunt guy who, yeah, if you're ever parachuting, just don't sit still in the sky. Just keep yourself moving. Around there's a guy on the roof. Now I've got myself in a rather open spot, and I realize it's probably not worth the push, but right here, listen to the footsteps.

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That poor guy, I mean, he was full sprinting around, so you know the footsteps were clean, but my God, they picked up a long way off. That's the power of that loudness equalization, which can be super beneficial; it's way more effective than that Flex perk that they give you access to in the game, and loudness equalization is like a window setting by the way I put it in the same group of just running a better set of headphones or, you know, playing the game on your TV versus playing on a pair of headphones.

warzone katt amr loadout

That's what I think, anyway, got to cover off this area down. Here, there we go once again. High alert saves lives; it literally just pinged me, and I was able to move away.

End game solos

End game solos

Something, there we go got quite lucky there probably should have plated up whilst I was moving backwards with The Rock in front of me but hey as it turns out it doesn't matter, and then I thought I'd take the height here as a sniper, and there's not much cover I've been up here a couple of times before in fact there's no cover up here whatsoever unless you go prone and then the only cover you've got is that if people are on the ground they might not see you, that guy is still on the roof, watch this, how did I miss that shot that was a guaranteed one- shot head shot right there and I missed it, so, bad we make up for it by killing an flank with a one shot head shot gas is moving so we got the gas moving on our butt here I want to try and keep some, height you might have noticed the player at the end of the barn here, fair play from them to start things off I get the armor break but I don't get the down I get hit by the air strike and then this is just me not playing this.

This KATT AMR sniper build Dominates in Warzone Solos right now - being the only one-shot headshot sniper in the game makes it extremely powerful and disruptive and I think Solos is the best place to use it. Make sure you try this Warzone KATT AMR best class setup best loadout and add it to your Warzone best class setup list.
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