News - The Warzone 2 Zombies 2024 Content Roadmap Revealed. New Updates

breaking news

This is DK Dynamite, and tonight we're going to be talking about an exciting content road map for zombies in 20124, what to expect in the coming weeks, plus even more. Now, yesterday I made a similar article talking more about MW3 multiplayer and what to expect going into the brand new year. There are some really exciting updates happening later this week, which is pretty surprising that they saved quite a bit of content for this week, the first week of January, and then plenty for January 17th, which is season one reloaded.

All those news roundups are going to be linked down. Below is this article's description.

Secret ray gun finishing move!

Secret ray gun finishing move!

But did you guys know there's actually a secret dual-wield ray gun finishing move inside of MW3 zombies if you run Laura Croft and perform a finisher? You could do a really crazy secret secet finisher that I really didn't know about, and I'm curious if any other operators have secret finishing moves like this that change a bit when you happen to be a zombie, whether it means taking out Wonder Weapons or something else.

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This is a really cool concept that they haven't really touched on before, which is giving exclusive finishing moves to different game modes, even if they're part of the same bundle. That's cool that it's kind of a surprise that wasn't marketed in the actual Tomb Raider pack, but with that, as of yesterday.

Dmz features are coming to mwz

I made a article talking more about MW3, zombies, and all the DMZ features that are not only leaked but also ones that are very likely to release in the coming months.

New act 4 missions being added.

New act 4 missions being added.

Now amongst one of the craziest reports for MW3 zombies, which hasn't really been discussed anywhere that I can see, and it's something that I didn't include in a previous zombie news Roundup cuz I didn't even know about this is the fact that TR went ahead and confirmed over on Reddit in a small little Q&A for the Zombie Forum that Act 4 will indeed be continuing the post-launch story for MWZ over the next few seasons, so that's actually a huge piece of information considering how confusing Act 4 is right now currently in MWZ.

There's only one story mission that takes you into the dark ether to fight the big worm, and it's a really cool mission. We'll be adding in Act Four missions. Maybe when we get a separate map in the future, we'll see Act 5, or they'll start over again with Acts 1, 2, and 3 for that new map. It's unclear how that's going to work, but the fact they mention.

The next few seasons have me thinking that maybe no matter if the new missions we get are on Earth, in the dark ether, or on a different map, they'll still be a part of Act 4.

Act 5 missions leaked for mwz

Act 5 missions leaked for mwz

now I made a article similar to this one, which is now severely outdated. Before the reveal of season 1 for MW3, zombies, that article ended up getting age restricted, which is really silly, so a lot of people out there didn't get to see that article, so we're going to be rehashing and reintroducing new information in this article, which now accounts for the fact that season 1 has already been released.

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So something that did get leaked a little while back that is a little confusing right now is the fact that Act 5 is apparently going to happen. Keep in mind that with all rumors and leaks, this could be accounting for scrapped or changed content. Maybe there is going to be an Act 5, but it's not for Ukhan; maybe it is for Zstan.

It's a big question mark right now, but the fact that Act 5 is leaked out has me thinking that there is probably going to be at least one to two more exclusion zones for MWZ, in which we get a new set of act missions on them. I mean, looking at how DMZ was handled, we had a number of factions with their own sets of missions, but those got refreshed every like season and a half with new objectives and new rewards.

I'm sure we'll get something somewhat similar in NWZ, but they won't fully replace acts 1 through 4 and the rewards that you can get since there's a lot of narrative in Modern Warfare 3 zombies that I doubt they're going to wipe our inventories or change the missions. I think they'll just keep expanding and adding to the ax system that already exists.

New maps & exclusion zones ??

New maps & exclusion zones ??

But when I think about a new map, I'm curious if we'll just end up getting additional dark ether-like sections or dark ether-like maps, where you have to go into ersan to spawn into that other map. Maybe that's how they'll handle the entirety of the MW3 zombie's life cycle.

We don't end up getting a separate exclusion zone entirely; we just end up getting these small submaps, like the dark ether, or looking at DMZ, like the Kachai complex, in which you have to spawn into those little areas through the big map. Maybe that's how they'll keep updating MWZ for the entirety of the year.

If they keep it fresh, then maybe that could work, but I would still want to see something like rebirth or fortunes keep zombified at some point in 2024, where those maps have their own sets of act missions and Easter EG EGS boss fights rewards and secrets that are different and separate from ekhan right now, but I certainly think we'll end up getting more maps like the dark ether, where you can spawn into them through a quest on Zikan, and then you go into a separate server.

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If you go in with six men, it's even better. I'm sure we'll see something like that pretty soon, likely at some point again in season 2 or a little bit after that. Now, what's ?.

3 new perks for mw3 zombies

3 new perks for mw3 zombies

Also really cool is that two perks actually leaked out for MWZ, and these perks include Electric Cherry and even Mule Kick. Data miners found these perks, which has me thinking that they're either canceled perks or ones that are being planned for a future content update, probably season 2 at the earliest.

Now that I've given my two cents on Muick already. I think they should just update the backpack system or give us an upgrade system for it instead of adding in Mu Kick, but if they add in Mu Kick, that's fine. Maybe it'll have some extra abilities, like we saw from the Cold Wars Mu Kick upgrades.


Electric Cherry, a huge fan of that perk, really wants to see it, but then we have widow's wine, which has been rumored for a while considering there's an icon for it on the collector's box you can buy at Walmart for MW3. I believe it even went on sale for like seven bucks, which is crazy. There's a mu kick icon on that box, and I'm like, would they really have an IC for that perk, which is really random by the way?

We haven't seen that perk since Bo3. Would you really have that on a random collector's box or MW3? If it's not going to end up being a perk, maybe it comes with a buoy knife. I mean, that could be a really exciting content update. I really want to see either Widows Wine or Winter's Whale from Bo4, two perks that I really do like inside of zombies now.

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