News - The Warzone 2 Zombies 2024 Content Roadmap Revealed. New Updates

5 new warlord bosses in mwz

We also have an update in regards to the warlords coming to MwZ. So I did report previously that about six of them were leaked out; one of them was named Maestro, but I believe that was a code name for Doabe, so it's the same character, but yeah. Doab is releasing season one reloaded, and then we also have other Warlords like the chemist who carries the rainmaker; somebody called them all by one kind of odd name.

modern warfare 3

I mean, even Legacy—that's the name of one of the Warlords right now in Zstan; that's also an odd name, but we know key cards have already popped up early inside of games of MWZ. Although they have no use, they still confirm that other Warlords are coming to the Fortress system at some point in the future, and like we talked about on the recent podcast.

I don't believe these will just be random Fortress reskins or just Warlords being swapped in and out every season or whatnot. I think they are going to be tied to the actual new act for Missions, which will end up being probably reloaded at the beginning of season 2, so keep that in mind. There'll probably be new reward Rifts and new bonuses for taking on some of these brand new bosses.

The new schematics coming to mwz

The new schematics coming to mwz

We also have new schematics to leaked out, and luckily all the schematics that were leaked a couple of weeks ago did drop with season one already all through the dark ether, but we know about a schematic for the Bloodb burner bike and we know about one for the vr11.

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Wonder weapon. I'm going to guess that every time we get a major content drop for MW3 zombies that contains a new quest or a new submap or something like that with the new reward Rift, that's when to add in new schematic plans. You can go Ahad and grind by doing some of those brand new objectives; that's probably how they'll handle that in the future, but Then we also have two new powerups coming to the game: one called Undead Sight and one called Looting Spree.

2 new power ups possibly coming

mw3 leaked content

Again. I remind you guys that these could be pieces of scrapped content that aren't going to come to the game, but one sounds like a fire sale, but for things that you buy either at a buy station or wall buys, undead sight sounds like maybe fear and headlights or even another gobblegum ability that we saw during Bo3 or Elixir from Bo4.

New ammo mod quest & items

But then some miscellaneous Information that has to be pretty exciting is in regards to what is being called a shadow vortex, or ammo mod. It's unclear if that's still going to come at some point. Something I brought up in that DMZ Zombie article a couple days ago is that we need a direct way to get our hands on ammo mods.

It's kind of silly that it's kind of just a big game of RNG to find them; they're not that rare to find, but if you need them for an act mission or something else, it's silly that you can't directly go ahead and buy them or craft them at a buy station. Maybe we'll see Shadow Vortex come with an ammo mod overhaul of sorts where you can then acquire them directly; something called an ether counter also leaked out; not sure what that could be—a piece of equipment maybe for a new contract; and also something called a self-revive kit bundle.

mw3 new act 4 missions

I'm unclear if maybe there's a benefit bundle coming out that says, Hey, if you spawn in with this operator in Zombies, you get a guaranteed self-revive every game, similar to DMZ benefits. Or if that's something else that we just don't know about yet. So far, the zombie benefit bundles just come with some very temporary and limited acquisitions, which are just one- to three-time-use items that once you use them all, they're gone forever, similar to the battle pass offering, so we don't know if we're going to get any permanent battles. I don't know if we're going to get any permanent bundle benefits like we saw for DMZ.

Upcoming contracts & activities

Upcoming contracts & activities

But then the new objectives El leaked out do include Relic Hunt and cargo delivery, which may not be coming to Ekhan, but I can still see them adding maybe one contract or one extra activity to the experience at some point soon.

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Some activities do include summoning, helicopter-dropping civilian hostages, and defending the turret. Now, out of those, I would say we're probably going to see the helicopter drop as part of that care package. Chopper, we saw an outbreak from the Cold War where, if you shoot it down, a nice care package of great loot does drop wherever the explosion was.

The civilian hostage was, of course, in DMZ, and I'm sure L something like that inside of MW3, but those are probably the only two I could actually see dropping as new activities that we can do around the environment, and last thing to end with is in regards to the vortex event dropping this week for MW3.

Zombies content coming this week

mw3 zombies 2024

It's, of course, a multiplayer event with an XP-based challenge event system. We're of course going to have an animated camo you can unlock if you use a certain bundle; it'll progress you faster through that event. Three map remixes do come with the vortex event; we talked about them in length before for Rust Scrap Beard and even Quarry, where you could play a rayon free-for-all type LTM.

On those maps, it's an exciting update that lasts about 2 weeks once reloaded; it does come out before Vortex goes away because the boys LTM in crossover does release in multiplayer instead, so once that happens. I find it hard to believe they'll just get rid of those vortex maps forever; they'll probably end up either adding them into some type of onslaught containment for MW3 zombies, which would be a fantastic update to really Kickstart 2024.

mw3 zombies 2024 update

And give zombie fans something until some actual major content drops in season two since right now we know about is doabe for mid-season that would be great or they'll maybe reintroduce those maps and zombies at some point in the future in a way that we maybe just didn't expect could be a story Mission or who knows what, but that is about it. This has been DK Dynamite Leave.

Closing statements

Closing statements

Your thoughts are down. This is, of course, not to mention that we're going to see a huge return of round-based zombies in Black Ops 2024.

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