News - The Warzone 2 Rebirth Island Update. 2024 Warzone Map Release Dates

I do think if they want to tie this into the narrative with Perseus, we will end up seeing a modern-day version of Rebirth Island in the early to mid-2020s, which we also had during the Vanguard cycle, and I think that would tie in perfectly to some marketing for Black Ops 2024, which of course is going to be covering the '90s and early 2000s, but I think it'll be an easy way to tie into the Modern Warfare narrative if they do have a present-day version.

breaking news

Maybe that leaves some teasers behind about what happened decades prior. Now. I feel like they'll end up dropping rebirth close to when some of the major marketing does begin for the next Black Ops game since obviously rebirth was introduced during season 1 of Cold War's life cycle, which was December 2020.

I cannot believe how long ago that really was. I just can't see this map being dropped any later than season five reloaded or even early season 6, and the reason why is because of.

Zombified rebirth & fortunes keep

Zombified rebirth & fortunes keep

First off, I think when it comes to zombies, that's a big question mark. With how that mode's going to get support during the rest of the MW3 cycle, do you just support Ukraine?

For the rest of this year, there's no way that doesn't become stale at some point, so I think it's obvious that they'll end up adding in new exclusion zones similar to the dark ether or by zombifying. Upcoming war zone maps, and what do you know? The only two war zone maps that we know are releasing this year are fortunes keeping rebirth, so I think you also want to tie in zombies a little bit here and release things accordingly, so if you do season two, that's good timing.

If you have a zombie ified fortunes keep, maybe you have fortune keep revival at the beginning of the season, and then zombified fortunes keep during mid-season, and then the same thing for rebirth in like season four or five. I think that would be perfect to not only give war zones a breath of fresh air but even zombies.


Now I'm aware that we saw DMZ support day one for Asika and Vondo, but I think when it comes to zombies, they'll probably need a little bit more time to go ahead and work on that since you don't want to try spreading too thin where they're working on MW3, zombie updates, and Black Ops 2024. And who knows what else follows that?

Verdansk releasing later this year

Verdansk releasing later this year

Also, look at the current rumor right now that apparently season 1 of Black Ops 2024 is bringing back veracity. I personally don't believe this rumor, even though it's coming from Media Outlet Insider Gaming, who've been pretty reliable with some of their claims in the past. I still believe we're getting an original war zone map in December 2024 to integrate with the Black Ops War Zone update, and then we'll end up seeing verance maybe in March 2025 to celebrate the 5-year anniversary.

That just makes the most sense. But I understand that, considering the recent success of the Fortnite OG update, they probably want to drop Verdansk as soon as possible, regardless of whether you end up dropping an original map or Verance in December 2024. You're probably going to want to have that spaced out from the release of rebirth again, right?

modern warfare 3 2023

You're probably going to want to make sure that releases at least a season and a half or more—a couple of months. After the big, popular rebirth map, rebirth does make its return. This is a article for another time, but I think either way, it's cool to know that we're probably going to see the release of three different war zone maps.

I know two are returning ones, but three different war zone maps throughout the duration of 2024.

Wz mobile crossplay & spring drop?

The last thing I'll end with is the possibility of seeing crossplay between War Zone Mobile and the current iteration of the experience on console and PC. Although nothing out there has been confirmed or rumored about this possibility.

I do think it's interesting that Verdansk and Rebirth will both be playable in wars with mobile, so what does that mean for the newer versions we're going to see on console and PC, especially when we already have cross progression with MW2, and three operators weapons leveling the battle pass? I wonder if we'll see that at any point in time we already have that for Fortnite for Apex Legends.

mw3 fortunes keep

Why not warzone one day? I think that would also be cool to see for those out there who want to maybe pop the player base even more. Maybe that even puts a dent in the discussion about skillbase matchmaking. If you have a lot of players also hopping in for mobile, that would be interesting, but also take a look at how Wars on Mobile is currently scheduled for spring 2024. I think that's a really nice way to go ahead and organize and spread out your big drops for the war zone experience this year, but that is about it.

Closing statements

Closing statements

This has been DK Dynamite; leave our thoughts down. I really hope you've enjoyed it. Peace

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