News - The Secret Rooms Dmz And How To Unlock Them. Fast & Easy Key Locations - Warzone 2 Season 1

Denied area keys & high rarity loot rewards


I also want to talk about denied areas because the night areas might be confusing to some people out there who are new to the DMZ. You can get into the night area one of two ways, as it seems: one, finding a secret hatch or a secret way into said building, whether it's a ladder and then an elevator will go all the way down or, maybe, a cracked window somewhere; or, you could just use one of the keys that you find to, just walk through the front door or wherever the main entrance is of that building, the key will just open up, and boom, you'll be greeted by tons of AI.

They're regarding this denied area, but the night area will really contain high-quality looping We're talking about a bunch of armor sacks, gas masks, and awesome blueprints. Whatever the case is, the nighttime areas are good to go to when you're prepared.

Legendary keys & why they␙re important in dmz

Legendary keys & why they␙re important in dmz

The thing is, it looks like any key that can open the night area is considered a legendary key, as you can see the difference on the screen right here. This key definitely stands out in comparison to the other keys that we found, which opened up other things like toolboxes, bags, or even doors.

This legendary key is a special one and opens up very high-rare loot areas in Almazura. Let's say you spawn into that match with a DMZ loadout that's not too good; you didn't really have much; you wanted some money; you wanted to do some contracts; so you opened up these denied areas, and you could get set right away after leaving the area; but if you guys are like, Wait.

Are the keys & secret rooms worth it??

DK, what's actually the point of the key? Quest here in the DMZ, right, and it looks like the night areas do have some of the best loot, so why even bother going for the other secret rooms, the tool chest, or the bags in the airport? Well, here's the answer to that, right: it's just something extra.

dmz denied areas

I mean, it reminds me perfectly of the Red Door Easter egg from Red Alert 84, where you'd go through and it'd throw you into a room that just had some pretty solid loot in it. In a couple of chests, you could get an armor satchel or a gas mask. You get some pretty high-quality blueprints from that.

Is this really what this is? It's kind of the equivalent of that, if I had to be honest with you. I'm not saying that you should go out of your way to do these, but if you happen to have a key and you know where it goes, just go to the area and see what's in there because maybe you're down on cash and you can get 5 to 10 grand or even more; maybe you don't have the best secondary weapon and you can get a pretty cool beefed-out sniper or a beefed-out shotgun with great attachments; that's really what these are for.

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I would say the nighttime areas are where things get risky. You want to go in with a squad that's stacked, or at least a squad that's prepared to take out all the AI, but some of these other rooms don't have any AI in them, so you might as well just check them out to see what you can get.

Keys act as another insurance loadout for dmz

Keys act as another insurance loadout for dmz

It's really that simple, so although you can say most of these secret areas that you need keys to get into are kind of like the bunkers in War Zone 1. Maps I will still say that the keys sort of act as insurance. even a second layer of insurance on top of the insurance system we already have here in the DMZ.

So, obviously, as you guys know, when you spawn into a match of DMZ, everyone spawns towards the outskirts of Almazara, so if you have a key that is for somewhere towards the middle of the map, you probably want to Dart there as fast as you can before any other actual teams can get there. Obviously, watch out for AI, but let's say you have a great loadout in the DMZ and you lose it, whether another team killed you or you crashed, whatever the case was, so you say, "Okay." I have an insurance policy over my logo.

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I can go back to the menu pick, one of my favorite blueprints that I already have, and use that as my primary starting weapon, but then you lose even that, let's say you lose that for either a crash or you guys getting killed, you're running bad that day, you have some bad luck. The keys sort of act as a third option for you, right?.

Save keys for when you lose your loadout!

You might spawn in with just your fist or a random weapon, so you do a little bit of looting, find some armor, maybe even a gas mask, and then maybe you're trading some valuables to get a three-play armor satchel or something similar. You buy an armor box, whatever the case may be, if you have some keys on you and you know where they go.

You can then get set up right away by going to some of those secret rooms, getting a beef dot blueprint or a bunch of cash, and then going to that buy station and getting yourself set up again. The point is, I feel like patience is key when it comes to a mode like DMZ. You can't really speed through anything here unless you're a professional.

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You've got a full squad; you've got to take your time with things. So you want to go into a match with the sole purpose of getting back on top, getting your loadout back, getting some really comfortable equipment and weapons, and making sure that maybe you're doing as many objectives as you can to kind of cut down your insurance timer if you've already used all your insurance blueprints.

All secret room locations for all keys revealed

All secret room locations for all keys revealed

I've gotten quite a few over the last few days, and I'm still running into new ones nearly every single match. That's why I will still say, "Have your base loaded out; hopefully you don't lose it." Have your insurance letter ready, along with the blueprint of your choice. Go into a match, get some glute again, and hopefully Expo right after that so that you're then prepared for the next match you end up playing, which is probably going to be when you have a primary objective, when you have a goal that you want to achieve; you want to beat this, you want to beat that, but you can't do any of that unless you have a solid loadout, which keys can really help set you up with, but that is about it.

Closing statements

Closing statements

This has been DK Dynamite; leave our thoughts.

The SECRET ROOMS in DMZ and How to Unlock Them. Fast Easy Key Locations - WarZone 2 Season 1.
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