News - New" Nuke Rewards And Orion Camo Updated. Warzone 2 Season 2

New nuke rewards and orion updated! (mw2 season 2)

New nuke rewards and orion updated! (mw2 season 2)

Hold on tight because we've got a ton of exciting Cod news to go over. They talk about "Season 2 reloaded," "Season talk about season three," and so much more. We just launched our brand new update, which requires restart merchandise.

New camo system in mw2

Boys The new camo menu is in the game right now, and it's so much better.

If you go to the weapon tab, go to the camo tab. The first four camos right here are the ones you earn by using this weapon, then we've got the four completionist camos, then we've got the weapon mastery tap, and at a moment's notice you can see your progression; you can see I've done the first three weapon masteries and am still missing the first one; you don't gotta click in here to see this if you want to see your exact progress, but that's going to save a ton of time, and all the camos are organized, there's an all camos tab, these are all the other camos in the game; they're in different menus.

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I love selecting solid colors so you don't have to scroll for them anymore. You just go to all the solid camo colors and select the one you want. This organization is huge, and it's going to save a ton of time with this game in the future. Now, I just wish they could do this for the calling card menu, because going through this calling card menu is a nightmare. It should be in little boxes like this to make it easier to navigate.

Blueprints and bundle updates in mw2

Blueprints and bundle updates in mw2

There were some good quality of life updates when it comes to bundles and blueprints. For your Protune blueprints, they're going to say exactly what they do at this menu here; the tracer is going to see all of the bundles you've bought, and the whole UI for it just looks better.

If you go to customize, there is now a "My Bundles" tab. You're easily going to see all of the bundles you've bought and our God for free. As you can see, there were a lot of different gift packs, and the whole UI for it just looks better if you click on one of these. it now in a single image gives you all the different information shows.

You'll see from the reticle if it loads that it's having some issues loading and is not perfect by any means, but yeah, all of this is just so much cleaner. This is a massive improvement. Right here, you can see the reticle, you can see the tracer, and you can see the death effect of this. Unfortunately, all the information is right here on the vehicle's skin.

You So first they talk about the Path of Rin in-game event, and there's been some confusion with this because the entire event is not currently live and there's only a handful of the challenges that can be done in game right now.

How to get the crossbow in modern warfare 2

How to get the crossbow in modern warfare 2

Over the next several weeks, they're going to add the rest of the challenges so you're able to complete this event, and this is how you get the crossbow.

The crossbow cannot be obtained currently in the game, but you can get a head start and do some of the challenges now if you load the game. There's a new events tab, and from here you're going to see the entire event. Only the first three challenges are alive; they can be done by both Warzone and MP, so the first one here in Warzone finished in the top ten five times.

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The next one restores honor five times in resurgent matches, then we've got five completed Bounty contracts; these could also be done in MP, but they reward the same reward, so it doesn't matter which one you do; there's no point in doing both of them and having MP win 15 matches in any multiplayer game mode, get 100 objective defense kills, and then we've got 50 operator kills using battle rage.

This one gets you a rose operator skin, this one gets you an emblem, and this one gets you a calling card. We can see when the other ones are going to be live by hovering over them, so this one has five days left until you're able to do it.

When is the crossbow coming?

When is the crossbow coming?

This one once again has five days left, so both of these can be completed, then this one has 12 days and this one has 12 days, so in 12 days is when you're going to be able to complete all of these and get the crossbow. Next, they talk about the new prestigious, and once again, there's.

Offical new prestiges and masteys in mw2

There's been some confusion on this as well because they keep saying different numbers originally. I said it was going to go to prestige level 10 with a level cap of 500, but then they backtracked and said it was only going to be prestige level 9 at 450. But then, when this block blog post first came out, which just launched today, they said it was going to go to prestige nine again, so this appears to be the official prestige.

Now that it's prestige nine, there are no more typos; this is what's in the game, and with new prestige comes new prestige mastery challenges. If you go to the calling card menu all the way to the bottom, you can see there's a prestige of nine (Mastery Prestige), eight, a prestige of seven, and six.

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I'm not going to read through all of these, but you can look at the calling cards right here; they're semi-cool. Last season, I didn't even go for these, but I managed to get most of them just by playing; they're pretty basic stuff like getting 10 operator kills without dying 10 times. Moving on to the weapon changes, they've adjusted how tuning In Modern Warfare 2, they've enabled tuning for the laser attachments and adjusted the positive and negative values.

Tuning in mw2 has changed

Tuning in mw2 has changed

So what you had your weapons tuned for last season might not be the best for this season; they're going to feel a little bit different as those tuning values have changed, and they've gone back to the Protune blueprints and adjusted those for those new values now moving on to the weapon Buffs and nerfs The m13b, which has been buffing the cast-off 762, got a nerf, and the lockman, 556, has increased the semi-auto fire rate.

Buffs and nerfs in mw2 season 2

The M14 also got above the STB576. After a bug fix, the battle rifles are a little bit more complicated because most of these weapons have been buffed and nerfed in different ways.

Battle rifles nerfs and buffs

I'm going to show it all on screen right here. I'm not going to read through all of it, but for the most part, the semi-auto versions of all of these have been buffed, and the full-auto versions have been nerfed.

There's a little bit more to it where some of the headshot multipliers are concerned and some of that stuff, and if there's a specific weapon you want to see. I know not a lot of people care too much about the battle rifles, but all of them are on screen right here. Just pause and read for the weapon you want; all four of them have been adjusted.

Next, we have the handguns, and yes, the x13 auto did get a nerf, but it also got a buff; this thing is plagued.

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