News - The Overpowered Sniper Class Setups Warzone 2. Sa-b 50, Sp-r 208, Lockwood Mk2 Best Loadout

best loadout mw2

When I say this is overpowered. I'm talking about all of these marks and rifles being banned in the CDL because, no matter how good they are, these weapons will always win against a regular sniper rifle at close to medium range. We'll be covering not only the best attachments but also the best tuning.

Most people, including myself as of recently, don't know how to tune their attachments properly, so I'll be showing you guys the proper way to tune your attachments. Now, I don't care how much you enjoy the game; I'm only here to provide you with the best-class setups for these top three snipers, so let's get right into it.

All right, we're going to start from left to right, from best to worst, but still, all are overpowered. We're going to start with the Sab, then move on to the SP, and then the MK2. So to start with Sab, your first attachment is going to be the Slacker Pack Box 4. This increases your spin to have your ads fire a little bit faster, and if you're simply going for quick soaps only, then rock the FSS OLED laser, considering that this increases your spin to fire speed, but just know that when you zoom in even halfway, that still shows your laser being invisible halfway or fully zoomed in on your ad scope.

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Personally. I don't like that, so I like the Schlager Pick Box 4, and for the tuning of your laser, here you want to maximize your aim down side speed and then have your expensive fire speed as negative, 0.37. Now your next attachment is the SPX 80. You can use the Lachman Impact 9 scope. In my opinion, I think the Blackman Impact 9 scope is really nice to use if you want to have the absolute fastest accuracy that you can get on this Marksman rifle.

However, no matter what scope you use, it's still going to be fast. I personally just like the SPX 80 scope, but that's just me, or you can use the iron sight. It all comes down to personal preference. To tune your scope, you want to maximize your ad speed here. Your next attachment is the XRK Specter, mod Here's your ads speed fire, speed movement, speed, which is very crucial, and then your hip recoil, control, and for the tuning of this, you want to maximize your ads speed and negative 4 here.

best mw2 sniper class setup

Moving on to your next attachment, be a schlager match grip and appreciate Sprint's fire speed and your ad speed. For the tuning of this, you want to have your ADB at a negative one and your Sprint's fire speed at a negative 0.32. Your next attachment This is all personal preference here, which is technically your fifth attachment, but it's the FSS, SC87, and Bolt that increase the rechambering speed.

If you don't want to rock this, you may rock a barrel if you like. You can rock the carbon barrel since this increases your ad speed and your movement speed, but it takes away your damage range, so if you want to have more damage range for long shots than the Bryson LR, the factory barrel would probably be best for you, or if you want to have more control of your bullet velocity, then the XRK Resonance Barrel Personally.

best sniper class setups in mw2

I don't like to use any of these. I like the way my software is; I love the fast free chambering speed, so I can go for multis, and obviously, you do not need a 5 or 15 round mag considering this maximum rifle already has 10 bullets all right now, moving on to the spr. One is the second-best marksman rifle in this game.

You guys probably remember it from the original model for 2019. This one's a little bit slower, but it's still a great marksman rifle to use. All right, you. You got all those shitkills for nothing. You lost, sucky shit buddy. I'm going to play OBJ instead of getting kills. You're mad; you're bad.

I tripled your kills. I literally tripled your kills. Who cares if you think I give a sh*t about a win? I can go play A-ranked and come smoke you, so you're lost on your record, so your first attachment is Amos's 406 Increase the estimated fire speed and ad speed for tuning. You do not want to touch anything here considering that when you up your ad speed here, it literally just stays put and does not move anywhere on the graph, so your best bet is just to keep it at zero.

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The next attachment is the ZRL T70 pad extension. Increase your crash movement speed, your sprint speed so you can get up on your feet and start moving to stop camping aiming stability, and your adsb for the tuning you want to put your ads speed at negative 2.45, and then for your scope again. I personally like the SPX 80.

You'd like the lack of an impact 90 scope if you want to have a fascia ad, and it all comes down to personal preference on whatever you want to use here. So for the tuning of the optic scope, I have my ad speed at negative 3.0, which is basically maxed out over here. Now for your next attachment.

Rock the FSS OLED laser, but just be aware that your laser is going to be visible in your eyes even if you scope in halfway, so yes, you can have a great spin. Supply speed, but be careful because the laser, though personally I like the Schlager effect box 4. And now for the tuning of your laser, put your sprints of fire speed at negative 0.31 and your ad speed at negative 29.61.

best sniping setup mw2

Your next attachment is all personal preference; you can switch it between the barrel or the bolt. If you feel like this number is not fast enough, then by all means, you can use the carbon barrel to increase your ad speed and your movement speed. If you want to have better bullet velocity, it's probably going to be the best barrel for you, and as far as damage, the fluted r67 Now.

I'll be honest. I think the fluid r67 is going to be great for not only damage range but also bullet velocity, so if you're trying to go for long shots. The elevator 11 barrel, if you take a look at the stats, you can see that the fluted is physically better than the ZLR executor and doesn't have any increase in your damage range, so for the tuning of this barrel, you want to maximize your ads and speed, and if you don't want to rock the barrel, you want to just have a faster fire rate by all means than what the FSS SC87 has.

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Bull here, and hey, worst-case scenario, if you want to play Respawn, you can rock the 10-round mag or the 15-round mag, whichever you feel comfortable with. I think 10-round magazines are already good enough when you can't tune the bolt or the mag. Just so you know, all right, moving on to our final marksman, rifle, or sniper, this thing was crazy in one over for 2019, but unfortunately, at least in my opinion.

I don't think it holds us up to the same center as the Sab 50. My. Your first attachment for the MK2 you want to rock the 21-inch Coyote Barrel. Now we're going to switch it up a little bit. We're not going to have an increase in our ad speed; we're actually going to increase our tube ammo capacity, so instead of having five or five or six bullets, you're going to have eight instead, and you're going to have a better bullet velocity on this Martian rifle.

Today I cover the BEST OVERPOWERED Sniper Class Setups for the SA-B 50, SP-R 208, and Lockwood MK2 Marksman Rifles for Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2. This is the ultimate quickscoping sniping guide to properly tune your loadout to it's FASTEST ADS attachments! Alongside with Perks, Equipment, Settings.
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