News - The "new" 2 Shot Kastov 762 Class After Update. Best Kastov 762 Class Setup - Warzone 2

I tried my best to keep the mobility on this, but also having the overpressure runs on this build does help out a ton because of the target flinch, and there we go, another nuke down the drain. I'm going to go ahead and call my other veto, and right now we have a good supply of vetoes. I really hope that the veto's in the next Call of Duty, like I hope they just bring the Modern Warfare 2 streaks over, but I will say I think I'm.

kastov 762

I don't think I'm bugging, but in Modern Warfare, well, in Vanguard, didn't they bring I think they brought streaks to the game? I think, I don't I don't think I'm tweaking about it, but I think they did all right. Where's this guy? He's just running. Come on now. What are we doing right? My veto took him out for no good.

All right, teammate, you could have gotten me killed. I'd have been mad I would have I would have been mad. That could have been so bad. All right, how many kills are at 84? We really need to pick up the pace here; honestly, come on, we're on a relentless I think we're on a 21 now. There's going to be a guy over here right here, and we're going to reload real quick.

Fast hands on the AK-47 are so nice. It really is. I'm not going to push these guys. I'm aiming down sights really quick, and I can't I can't I can't get on a streak to save my life. I really can't. There we go. I mean, we could clutch a nuke up. I may be that cake, and my veto is just because, honestly, although I'm part of the triple kill, I don't care.

kastov 762 class

I mean, let's get 120. Let's get a 120 here. You just can't freak out when it comes to, you know, clutching up a nuke. You really just can't freak out and make the right plays with the UAV. I mean, perfect rotations and 153 kills. My Lord, my God, all right, we're going to have to call this nukin very soon, but my God, I knew we were going to clutch up a nuke here.

I just knew it. Just give me 160, though. Maybe kinda, maybe hopefully. I'm going to take that; let's go.

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