News - How To Make "kastov 762" Overpowered Warzone 2. Best Kastov 762 Class Setup


In today's model for two articles, I've got a crazy gameplay here with a cast of 70 for you. I would absolutely ballistic-drop an MGB Tech nuke, and this is one of my favorite setups to use on this gun. I'm not gonna lie; this has been the most agile mobile build that's got great recoil control, and y'all are going to love this one.

Subscriber notifications are turned on, of course, so shout out to the Nota gang here on screen. That being said, the class is at the end of the article, all right? We got a little bit of a hard point here, on Mercado, one of my favorite actual non-shipment-related maps. Is there a fourth guy right here?

There is, but he's flashing me, so I'm not sure what he is. There's the MGB already, okay, we're only at 70 points in; I can for real do something here, and I just died. Now that we've got a fresh start, we're going to see what we can do. We can streak up again here and potentially grab another double MG.

Beyond this, that would be sick. This thing just the leads man, you think you're shooting up in the air for something now I can give you something more to shoot up in the air for: my OverWatch, all right, let's actually call this thing in, we actually can't at the moment, and also UOB in the area.

best kastov 762 class

My teammate got a ridiculous—or the enemy got a ridiculous—little clip right there. All right, let's actually see if we can call this in. Hey, there we go. Those are really nice not only because they get kills but because they actually mark enemies all like, it's not like, you know, real time sometimes it's a little bit delayed, but it can be pretty useful.

It didn't show up; yeah, the advance UAB in this game genuinely pisses me off. That was such a tragic event, all right, I want to call the advanced JV, and guess what I'm calling in my MGB Tech nuke. We're going to get the win anyway, but there's a premature end to the game—a bit premature. That's why I was so frustrated during this game—it happened way too frequently.

best kastov 762 class mw2

Sheesh, we dropped a nice little 93-93 on the Mercado MGB. I like all of that. Right now, let's hop in here and give you guys a setup. I hope you all enjoyed that gameplay; if you guys did not watch it, shame on you. Definitely go back and watch that. But anyway, the cast-off was 762. One of my favorite assault rifles here in the game, besides maybe the STB, is this one.

This is a great gun, but we have the P890. Here, along with the stem shot tactical and the semtex as our lethal-per-patch material, we have a double-time scavenger, fast hands, and a quick fix. This is the kind of tried-and-true standard that I run on all my setups. I'm going to get some questions about the camo on this gun.

This is Atlanta-phase camo here. What we're going to go ahead and do is go find the Polar Fire Dash. You don't have to do this; I just play controller on PC, so it's easy for me to be able to do this, but we're going to tune this silencer for a little bit more speed and idle stability here; we're not as focused on the bullet flossie.

best kastov 762 class setup

Um anyways, let's actually hop in here and do this, so we don't want to just like take this and slide it all the way to Max, like that's just not the correct way to do the tunings, we're just going to go down here and see that we're pretty much where Max is out here in terms of your ad speed; you can see more or less pretty early on that you get as much as you're going to get out of this thing, which just moves up to right about here, so negative 0.46.

I wish you'd go a little bit further, but it is what it is for right now, and now, as far as idle stability goes, let's slide this all the way down here. We can see that we got some weird effects there as soon as we slid it all the way down, but after messing around here for a little bit more or less, you can see that pretty early on we got the maximum benefit here in terms of our accuracy.

Now the underbelly section, since we got to stabilize this gun out here a little bit, we're going to go down here and look for one of my favorite under barrels, which is going to be the f-tac Ripper 56, so that aiming stability, hip fire accuracy, and of course recoil and stabilization are all really great things to have on this gun.

best kastov 762 class setup modern warfare 2

I mean, we love aiming for idle stability; they just make sure to make it so our shots are not going to be moving around or the gun's not going to move around on us as much. But increasing it for accuracy is not really something we're looking for; we don't really care too much about that, but it's always a nice benefit here, and then the recoil stabilization is always a great thing because the cast-off 762 is putting out a 762 round of a bigger ammunition type, so it's going to have more recoil than something that's shooting like 9 mm, for instance, so stabilizing this gun is a pretty big thing that we have to check off our bucket list here.

Now the tune for this thing here since we are already getting a whole bunch of recoil stabilization is going to be for, like, the ads speed and maybe a little bit of the aim walking speed just to kind of speed this gun up a little bit since I like to be super aggressive with my guns and I don't like sitting back camping or any of that stuff, so we're going to slide this down here and tune it here effectively, and you can see more or less that you can.

best kastov 762 class setup mw2

Almost actually just max this thing out because we still get a benefit all the way up until the very end, so maxing out the ads speed is going to be kind of the move on this thing, and then now going over here, we can see that pretty much when we're talking about increasing mobility. You get that pretty much very sharp increase, and then it kind of dips off right there, but move back a little bit and you can see we peek out here at negative 0.32 after that it goes in and then comes back out, so it's a bit odd in that way and how that actually works, but uh, this is a very, very good thing to be able to take note of here.

So don't slide this one all the way to the end, but definitely this one you can be okay with doing that next up. We're going to be looking in the rear grip section here to give us more mobility as well, because, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, because you know, you know, you know, because you know.


With all of my guns as a matter of SMG and AR LMG, even I like to just kind of run around it, you know, balls to the wall, that's like my goal but actually not quite like that but you guys get what I'm saying. I like to be very aggressive and just kind of push, so what we're going to do is go throw on the true tack grip for that sprint to fire and aim down sight speed, great attributes.

How to Make "KASTOV 762" OVERPOWERED in MODERN WARFARE 2! Best Kastov 762 Class Setup | Chuck.
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