News - New "infinite 2 Shot" Kastov 762 Buff. Best Kastov 762 Class Setup (warzone 2)

Season 2 kastov 762 changes

Season 2 kastov 762 changes

This gun is literally broken. Infinity Ward stated that they added a small damage reduction and also added additional long-range damage drop-off. Whatever they put in those patch notes is definitely an understatement, and it proves that you can't really take whatever they put in those patch notes at face value.

Pre-season, two, we had a two-shot headshot from zero to 45 meters and then from 46 meters and beyond; it's a three-shot kill with my testing; it's an infinite range, and the farthest range that I got to (and I'll show you guys in a little bit) was about 75 meters. At this point, because previously it was a three-shot kill up to 45 meters and now it's been boosted to 55 meters, pretty much you're looking at a 10-meter boost now.

best kastov 762 class

Here's what's new: for the lower torso and the limbs, they actually shared the same exact damage profile as well as damage range, so from 0 to 28 meters, you get a three-shot kill, and from 29 meters and beyond, it's a four-shot kill. Now in season two, the lower torso does get its own damage profile, and the limbs do get their own damage profile as well.

It's only a one-meter reduction to the range as far as the damage goes, and you're still going to get a three-shot kill regardless, if you're up close, but you know this isn't anything to really worry about here because the limbs are one of the smallest targets and we have a much higher percentage chance of hitting this torso area in general because, simply, it's a bigger target, and then the little bonus here is the headshot, and we're going to take a look at the recoil patterns as well, but if you know anything about the 762 The recoil pattern is fairly vertical, so you're most likely going to get some head shots.

My verdict here is insane. Bus off to the two-shot headshot range, and you get a 10 to 17-meter damage range buff to the torso; now, for the limbs, like I said, they do get a one-meter reduction to their damage range, despite the limbs' damage profile separation. Overall, it's a top-tier metal weapon, and it just makes an already-metal weapon, dubbed this weapon even pre-patch a meta weapon -- so it makes an already-metal weapon that much more superior, which is absolutely.

Damage range testing

Damage range testing

insane, all right So for this first clip, which was tested at 75 meters, we're going to go with the headshots here.

All right, so there's one. And there are two shots to kill absolutely, insanely, and there you go, you see the confirmation there of how many meters it was to get the kill. This is just incredible like this; the buff is just insane, so let's move on to the upper torso here. Even if I did show you the values, I still want to show you guys how I came up with these numbers and how I tested them out.

All right, so this is at 55 meters, and we're aiming specifically for the upper torso ones, two, and three, which is a three-shot kill at 55 meters. Remember, the previous range was 45 meters for a three-shot kill. Now for the last and final test, right here we have a 45-meter range, and we're also going to be specifically aiming at that lower torso. That's two and three; we get a 45-meter distance; kill three shots.

Best kastov 762 class setup

Best kastov 762 class setup

So for these perks—lethal tactical, etc.—these are all personal preferences. I just want to put that out there; you can use whatever you want to now. Moving on to the build, let's start off with the muzzle here because I think this is very important, so for the muzzle we're going with the Tempest GH-50.

Now, if you take a look here, it gives us a vertical recoil. Control Now, the reason why, as you'll see later on in the testing, is because the vertical recoil on this gun is very high, so you really need to control that as much as you possibly can, and we can accomplish that with this specific attachment.

Now, as far as tuning goes. I went with 0.65 toward the aim down side speed and 0.15 toward the aim idle stability, so this will definitely ensure that we'll be able to control that recoil pattern, which, by the way, isn't really that hard to control to begin with because you're really just trying to combat that vertical recoil; there isn't too much horizontal recoil going on here.

best kastov 762 class modern warfare 2

All right, moving along with the theme of recoil, let's move on to the underbarrel. We got the Merc foregrip for hip-fire accuracy, recoil steadiness, hip recoil, control aim, and walking steadiness. So in case this attachment is meant for close range engagements, we want to take advantage of that two-shot kill to the head or that three-shot kill to the FSS OV laser, so we have a lot of rage to work with here, but in case we get into close quarter combat, this attachment is going to help us out all right now for my tuning.

I went with 0.36 toward that hip walking speed and 0.18 toward that aim down sight speed. All right, now for the laser: I went with the FSS OV laser, so this gives us aim-down sight speed, aiming stability, and sprint to fire speed. Now that aim-down sight speed is nothing to sleep on, this is literally a free aim-down sight speed attribute, which is really going to contribute to your overall ads, and you'll see that later on in the testing that it really does help improve.

Our aim down sight speed now another thing that's new in season two is the ability to tune our lasers. I went with 0.13 for that sprint of firing speed and 39.48 for that aim of idle stability. Now for the stock, I went with the Pro Light TL3 stock for sprint speed and walking speed. Crouch movement speed and aim-down sight speed are even.

Though it has a few cons, idle stability and recoil control are not going to affect us too much. As you'll see in the recoil pattern testing of pre- and post-custom builds, it's actually a really, really nice bullet spread as well as a nice clean recoil pattern, so we'll still be able to enjoy the pros here of mobility and handling as well.

Now for tuning, we got 3.35, towards that aim of walking steadiness, and 1.86, towards that aim of idle stability, all right, and last but not least, we have our demo X2 grip for recoil and control, and for the tuning. I went with 0.65, towards that aim of downside speed, and 0.38, towards aiming for idle stability.

Movement speed test

Movement speed test

We are going to be testing the base weapon with no attachments versus our custom-built cast-off 762 in their movement speed, so we're basically just going to start here at the same exact time and see which weapon reaches the wall at the other end first. So we're just going to play it here, and remember, you know, we're not going to get exact, definitive results here; here we are, just looking for a visual cue all right, and let's pause it.

NEW INFINITE 2 SHOT KASTOV 762 BUFF! - Best Kastov 762 Class Setup Modern Warfare 2.
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