News - The Meta Grau 2. 0 Is "back" Warzone 2. Best Lachmann 556 Class - Warzone 2



I hope you guys are having an amazing day. I hope you enjoy it.

Grau 2.0 gameplay

We dropped these "Banger" gameplays every single day. It's nice to be able to get that guy. He does have a car, so we'll just hop in the car really quick. I just wanted to see which black side was okay if the airport ones, who are probably not even going to mess with it to be honest, probably won't even mess with that one.

We've got that guy looking at us with our bird's-eye view right in front of us. I heard him just break glass, so I think he's got to be kind of right in front of us here. Yep, he is, okay, he's inside the armor crack; there's a guy low right; we'll probably go for this guy low right because we know that the guy on the left over there is just in a building popping plates, so I think I'm just gonna throw a smoke up there to kind of distract him for a sec and just run out there with a league of Kimbo pistols; it should be pretty free.

best lachmann 556 class

Unless I'm going to almost sell like that, and then I saw one guy. I should pop plates here, but I think I was going to see if I could catch that last guy off guard. Open up your map; always, always make sure to open up your maps and just look around. It doesn't even matter what's going on; just look around for all the information that you need.

I do want to try to just get a UAV at the buying station anyway. Pick him up, grab this as well, bat body, an extra beautiful South Okay, so in this one we're just going to kind of hover on the outside, on the outskirts. We're just going to hover over the points here on the map and probably get up on this building because there are two people over here at this one; okay, so one of them just died and I have other people coming in from here.

best lachmann 556 class warzone 2

Honestly, it's not the greatest play for me to do this, but when you're going for a high kill game sometimes you got to make some risky plays. The problem is that I don't know exactly where he is. I do have a pink eye now that he's on this side of the building, okay? I didn't even notice that it wasn't reloaded.

Yeah, I think there are different playing styles. My God, he had two UAVs. There are two different play styles: one where you're just playing so stupid that you're just trying to drop literally as many kills as possible, which means you're going to have to take a lot of risks, and another where you know you're just doing your thing.

It seems like two people are going up this hill at once. I think there's like three or four people fighting it. So the one thing you gotta do is, when you're pulling up on a lot a lot a lot of people like that, you just gotta play it slow and maybe get a pick. So to clear one side rather than me just pushing in there.

lachmann 556

I went and tried clearing one side, which was my right side, and now we're good, and now we're good on this side, and we can kind of just push in like a kind of idiot now that we got one guy down low to our left and then one guy up to our right, but because our right side is, you know, the more dangerous side because they have high ground, we're probably just going to push right first and then clear low, which probably should be our best bet.

There's either a guy down low here on us—yep, he is because we have trackers. We'll just push up over the edge and reload really quick, but when I get halfway up this Little Rock Mountain thing, okay, he's looking at us now, so we gotta kinda play cautious for a sec. It was really nice to see Nate actually pushing up.

There's really nothing you could, like, quote, unquote, teach, or there's nothing inside the mind; she's got an ego challenge. Hit your shots in that fight. The only reason I did that was because he had hit me a couple times, so he's probably just going to expect him to try to pop plates behind that thing.

lachmann 556 class warzone 2

He's not really going to expect me to just sit there and challenge, especially when he has an RPK. If I'm going to use that audio cue, I'm probably in my bird's eye view, and I probably just guess that he's right here, looking beautiful, and there's another guy down low. We got that one bird's-eye view; he's either by the cars over here or he's in the ravine.

It does look like he's in the ravine, so keep in mind that you're always going to open up your map with one guy in the ravine and one guy in the air. Okay, we got the guy in the ravine very nice; see if we can get him a little low. Now he's low, and I'm going to PA the roof, and he has to jump off, and now he's already low, and we should be able to at least crack him, which we weren't able to do, but it's fine.

lachmann 556 loadout warzone 2

He did end up dying though, and that's like one of the best, quote-unquote. You could call it that when it comes to trying to get people off a roof if you have a PA. Try to shoot them a little bit of ego. Channel a little, pop the PA on the roof. And then when they jump off, they'll already be low from the fight that you just took, and they're never going to choke you because they have to run from the PA, so even if you kind of trade a little bit of your HP, it's totally fine because they're not going to choke you.

So the first thing we'll probably try to do is grab this right, like I said, the same thing as before. Don't want to pin yourself into getting pinched because, say I pushed the middle guy, well now I have a guy here and here who can just pull up on me and pinch, so we're just killing this right guy.

We'll get rid of him really quick, and the same thing applies: just tap his thing and tap his bag really quick just to see if he has anything for us, beautiful. You got that one guy at the building and one guy at the observatory since I kind of jumped down there, though. I'm dead, no, we got him here on the corner, and now that we've kind of regained a little bit, let's just get a nice little Center Zone going on; actually.

lachmann 556 warzone 2

I did hear shooting, and I'm going for a haiko game here, and I need some ammo. If I could catch a guy off guard here, it'd be perfect. He's going to see this guy running up to the building here; we might be able to just take this height on him, and he's going to have to move here like 100 percent.

Perfect, and we just got a bird's eye thing as well, and it doesn't say anyone's close to us. Keep in mind though, with a bird's eye, there's always going to be people ghosted, so just because it doesn't say that there's anyone near us doesn't actually mean that there's no one here, so we do need to be a little cautious.

Also, this guy's kind of posturing up on us here; it looks like he's kind of running up the hill, so let's put a little height on him here. He's really close. I do want to be a little cautious. Step right here, perfect; this is why a bird's-eye view is a perk and is just so important for solos that it's almost a must.

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