News - Warzone 2: Ultimate Beginners Guide & Best Tips

Welcome to warzone bootcamp

Welcome to warzone bootcamp

Between War Zone 2's massive map and a completely new set of in-game mechanics, diving in can be a daunting feat. Because of that, I've put together the ultimate beginner's guide to Call of Duty: War Zone 2 and wanted to offer you an official invite to my new series, built to make you the best player you can be.

Chapter 1: loadouts

These base weapons fall into a list of several different weapon categories based on their best use, but what you really need to know is that as you play with each of these weapons, it'll unlock a series of attachments that can be used on almost any other weapon, and to find out what attachments are unlocked from each weapon, you can go to their progression trees within the new gunsmith or while looking through the available attachments.

call of duty warzone

You'll be able to see in the top left what is required of you to unlock the set attachment. Additionally, when you level these weapons to their absolute maximum, there's a feature completely new to Call of Duty called "weapon tuning." Simply put, whatever attachments you add to a gun, if weapon tuning is unlocked for that weapon, it will allow you to dive deeper into how beneficial an attachment is for the stats it's already boosting or even those it's negatively affecting.

Meaning, if an attachment is already helping you aim down targets faster, you can actually tune that attachment to be even quicker, and this works for things like hip fire recoil, control, and pretty much anything else you can think of. Your goal should be to level as many of these weapons as you personally have time for, which, by the way.

I recommend subscribing with notifications on as I'll be updating you with the fastest and easiest ways to do that within Warzone as the game progresses, and then you should utilize those attachments with tuning if you're able to unlock, to dominate in all of Mazda Beyond weapon loadouts, also include a new system for perks called perk packages as it stands now.

Perk packages include a series of four pre-selected items, the perks of which can help you engage enemies in a variety of different ways. Looking to have two primary weapons Choose a perk package that has Overkill looking to have your equipment automatically refilled over a short period of time. Choose a perk package that has resupply.

As for the final items encompassed within loadouts, we have equipment, otherwise known as lethals, and tacticals. These are a series of items such as grenades, thermites, flashbangs, dim shots, etc. that can be used throughout the match to either get eliminations or give yourself a tactical advantage over your enemies.

I highly recommend trying each of these to find what you deem to be the best for your personal playing style because, trust me, it matters.

Chapter 2: diving in

Chapter 2: diving in

Now that you've had a chance to look over and maybe even decide what weapons you'd like to work on getting leveled, it's officially time to take your first shot at diving into Almazara, whether that be with a group of friends that could be found by joining my Discord server. Where we have thousands of members or a solo expedition into the battlefield, there are a few things you need to know before diving in.

Out of the plane before you take the plunge, you're going to be given the opportunity, possibly Mark where you'd like to go. You can do that by opening the in-game map, which will additionally show you the path of the plane in the form of an arrow. If you'd like to change this, all you'll need to do is press pause, open your interface settings, scroll down to the color customization panel, and change your neutral color to a more vibrant color like pink, yellow, or red.

I personally use pink, but again, it's entirely up to you once you've marked a drop. Once you've taken the leap and parachuted, it actually has its own set of mechanics, but for the most part, they're pretty intuitive. Basically, if you want to go farther, keep your parachute pulled, but if you want to go faster but lose more height Cut the parachute and die.

Don't worry, though; you can pull and cut as many times as you'd like. However, I recommend pulling your parachute once you get pretty close to the ground because if you don't, this could happen additionally. Unlike the original war zone released in 2020, while parachuting in from the plane, it's impossible to shoot your starting pistol at anyone else while in the air—at least until you get about 100 meters from the ground.

This means without the fear of being shot, you can fly to almost anywhere your heart desires.

Chapter 3: looting

Chapter 3: looting

As you find yourself nearing the ground, you'll likely be caught in a panic, especially if there are enemies. landing nearby, but just breathe and take things one step at a time. Your first goal is to find a weapon, but of course it's likely you can end up without one before an enemy tries to engage with gunfire, and in that case, either run or take them head-on with your starting pistol.

Once you have a second to spare, your main focus in the early game and even as you progress further throughout the match will be to stay looted with the best items with which you can fill your inventory. But when it comes to looking for these items, War Zone 2 has crafted a system that makes it a bit easier to find them.

Throughout the map, you'll be able to locate chests that can be opened and will dump random loot on the ground. Most lootable items are going to be in areas where it makes sense for that specific loot to be looking for heels, Check a medicine cabinet, looking for money. Because when you find an enemy and send them back to the lobby, all the enemies' items will be secured into a small bag laying on their location of elimination, and all you need to do is open up that bag and select the items you'd like to keep.

Chapter 4: inventory system

Chapter 4: inventory system

However, there's a large chance you're not going to have enough room in your inventory for all these items.

The reason being that Warzone 2 takes advantage of the popular Battle Royale inventory system of backpacks. When you first land, you'll begin with a small backpack and have the opportunity to find medium and large backpacks throughout the map. These larger backpacks give you more space to hold more items as well as the ability to hold a third weapon, which can either be shared with a teammate in need or switched with one of your primary weapons if a scenario demands.

In addition to carrying a third weapon, you have the option to carry as much of one specific item as can fit in your inventory; whether you find your slots best filled with kill streaks, armor plates, or a ton of ammo, the options are nearly endless.

Chapter 5: heads-up-display

From the inventory, there's plenty more to Warzone 2's user interface, and specifically, we have the heads-up display, or HUD.

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